Register for an Employer Account on Handshake


Our Career Services office promotes employment and experiential learning opportunities to students and alumni through Handshake, a free online recruitment system used across the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus.

Getting Started

Creating an employer account is an easy and effective way to connect with iSchool students.

How to Create a User Account, Join a Company, and Connect with Schools

Please Note: You must create an account and be approved in order to post a position, register for a career fair, or host an event.

You can also use Handshake to:

  • Access resumes
  • Message students
  • Schedule on-campus interviews and/or information sessions

Posting a Job

After your account is approved, post available opportunities at your organization.

Step-by-step instructions for posting jobs

Questions? Please contact Michele Plante, Assistant Director for Employer Relations.