Recruiting Avenues

Choose from the options below or contact us for a custom-tailored event. We’ll work with your organization to help you select the population that meets your talent needs and deliver your message through a variety of channels.


Recruit Undergraduate Talent Information Sciences and Data Science

Mark your calendar for the second week in September, where you can meet students at three great events. Join us in the morning of 9/9 to recruit BSIS and BSIS+DS talent in data science & analytics, IT, UX/HCI, business intelligence, and cybersecurity roles.

September 98:30-noonInformation SciencesiHotel
September 9 & 101-6BusinessiHotel
September 10 & 1112-5EngineeringState Farm Hall

Recruit from the #1 Library Program in the US

Illinois hosts GLAM, a multi-school, month-long virtual career festival for library students and Government, Library, Archive, and Museum employers with career exploration panels and an online career fair. Visit the GLAM website for information on events, partner schools, and schedules.

Formal presentation in multipurpose lounge


Visit a class to recruit data science & analytics, business intelligence, IT, and HCI/UX talent. Virtual or in-person visits can be arranged for the following undergraduate courses:

Career Exploration
Intro to HCI
User Research & Evaluation
Intro to Risk & Cybersecurity
Consulting for Information Professionals
Applied Business Research

Consulting for Information Professionals
Applied Business Research
Change Catalyst: Adapt or Perish…
Doctoral ProSem


  • IS 200: iSchool Career Exploration. Approximately 50-60 freshmen and sophomore students are enrolled each semester in this career exploration class. Visit virtually or in person for 20 or 40 minutes to provide insights to students on roles, trends, and insights into your industry and market.

  • IS 226 Introduction to HCI . This course introduces students to fundamental theories and techniques in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and presents basic tools and methods for creating, designing, prototyping, and evaluating user interfaces to computing applications and web sites. Students will explore course content by conducting individual and group hands-on projects. Assignments involving prototyping can be implemented by self-selected solutions, e.g. Axure, JavaScript. Students from all backgrounds are welcomed.

  • IS 234 Introduction to Risk & Cybersecurity. Cyber risk, cybersecurity and related concepts create a foundation for exploring the importance of threat awareness, intelligence and identification to personal and organizational security postures. Topics including password hygiene, threat actors, data collection, use and sharing and the CIA Triad, Cyber Kill Chain, Attack Vectors and Attack Surfaces are explored along with the role of governments, human behavior, frameworks, standards, systems and compliance requirements in security decisions.

  • IS 236 User Research and Evaluation. Students learn to apply user research methods, gather and understand user requirements and needs for a wide range of populations, especially those that are under-served (e.g., children and people with disabilities), conduct user evaluations of prototypes and interactive systems, and communicate effectively about the research insights and make actionable design suggestions.

  • IS 380 Consulting for Information Professionals. Foundations of research consulting, including framing research problems, developing deliverables, and presenting professionally. Join the class as a guest speaker or offer a collaborative project.

  • Applied Business Research. This experiential learning course, offered at graduate and undergraduate levels, covers advanced techniques of business research, with an emphasis on managing real-world client projects.
    • Join the class as a guest speaker.
    • Offer experiential learning opportunities through the Business Intelligence Group (BIG).
    • Commission a project (on a sliding scale) with BIG to address your information and technology challenges. Students receive course credit and each project is overseen by iSchool Professor Yoo-Seong Song.


  • IS 514: Applied Business Research. This experiential learning course, offered at graduate and undergraduate levels, covers advanced techniques of business research, with an emphasis on managing real-world client projects.
    • Join the class as a guest speaker.
    • Offer experiential learning opportunities through the Business Intelligence Group (BIG).
    • Commission a project (on a sliding scale) with BIG to address your information and technology challenges. Students receive course credit and each project is overseen by iSchool Professor Yoo-Seong Song.

  • IS 534 Information Consulting. Using methodologies widely adopted by professional firms and researchers, this course will cover basics of research consulting including framing research problems, developing deliverables, and presenting professionally.

  • IS 547: Foundations of Data Curation. For Library and Information Science majors, this class provides an overview of theoretical and practical problems in the field, examining issues related to appraisal and selection, long-lived data collections, research lifecycles, workflows, metadata, and legal and intellectual property issues.

  • IS594:  Change Catalyst: Adapt or Perish, Leading Change without Authority. This course teaches students to act as change catalyst, fostering the ability to drive innovation in any professional setting. By mastering best practices in change management, students position themselves as leaders who can navigate complexity, overcome challenges, and inspire others.

  • Doctoral ProSem. A core course for all first year PhD students. The seminar offers a mix of sessions on progression through the Ph.D. degree program, the research process, guidance on the academic profession, and written and oral presentation of scholarly research.


Champaign and Chicago-based employers–before your summer internship programs launch, build your brand with next year’s recruits by hosting a full- or half-day Early Engagement Event for students on-site at your organization. Provide a tour of the facility, present lightning talks on roles, workflow, and processes, lunch, and/or one-hour micro-mentorship sessions where staff members are paired with a student to share their story and answer questions about their career development journey can help you start building your brand early with student talent.

2025 Early Engagement Windows

  • Spring break: March 15-23
  • End of Semester: May 19-30


Psi Eta Mu Professional Fraternity (PHM)

PHM is the School of Information Sciences’ premier information sciences fraternity. Members are preparing for careers including: data analysts, technology consultants, UI/UX, cybersecurity, and solutions architecture.
Officers: Andrew Chen 2024-2025 President,
Elise Feuerborn, External Vice-President,

Illinios Data Science Club (iDSC)

IDSC’s mission is focused on building a strong and diverse community of data professionals through our semester-long project hackathon, career events, and educational workshops.
Contact: Zach Olbur, President,


Use our multipurpose room for formal presentations and informal networking including:

  • Lunch & Learns
  • Coffee Chats
  • Tabling


Post jobs through the Handshake Career Services platform to increase visibility and start connecting with our students.

More Opportunities

Get Started

Please contact Michele Plante, Associate Director for Employer Relations, to start recruiting talent with the iSchool.