Other Environmental Attitudes – Post 2

Age: 75

Residence: Evergreen Park, IL

Gender: Female

Political Stance: Conservative

Highest Level of Education: Undergraduate Degree
What are your top three environmental concerns?
My interviewee had several environmental concerns, and perceived some as having more destructive potential than others. Her primary concern is, as she succinctly stated, “the air we breathe.” She voiced concerns about the quality of air concerning pollution content as well as the quality of air that future generations will breathe. Though she did not cite any particular pollutants or processes responsible for the degradation of air, her concerns for future peoples implies a prudent attitude about this problem. Another concern the interviewee voiced deals with the extreme weather experienced ever more frequently around the globe. She cited the validity of this concern by talking about the recent frigid temperatures in Illinois. Along with this concern, the interviewee expressed concern about the state of agriculture. She make a remark about crops failing with extreme weather events.
Do you see people being able to overcome these challenges?
The interviewee expressed mixed feelings towards humans’ collective resilience in spite of these concerns. She feels that some people will certainly succeed, stating that, “it depends on how much they want to cooperate with each other.” However, the interviewee also feels that some people will not adapt well to the changing planet in the future. She mentioned that the leaders of the country, city or community will play a role in humans’ success.
Does religion influence your opinions at all?
The interviewee shared that religion does play a role in her outlook. However, she said that other factors are much more important to her.
Will the quality of life improve for humans in the coming 30 years?
Again, the interviewee voiced the opinion that some humans will experience greater quality of life, and some will not. She believes that those who work to adapt to these changes are the ones that will succeed, because they are helping themselves. She also feels that those who don’t work will experience many more difficulties assimilating in the future.

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