What is IGET?

What is IGET?

This semester, we launch IGET: Interest Group for Educational Technologies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign!

IGET’s main goal is to cultivate a community in which members engage with and learn from each other, generate new ideas and share best practices, as well as identify and help adopt technologies that advance the overall educational mission of our institution.

We invite all members of the EForum listserv on campus to attend IGET events and we will continue using the EForum listserv as one vehicle for community networking and information sharing. Our hope is to invigorate the EForum with a lot of new activity and new members through a series of IGET programming.

How Do I Join IGET?

There is no official registration process for IGET. Rather, we invite you to participate as much as desired in the community. The best way to stay connected for now is via the EForum listserv. This listserv is an email distribution system where anyone who subscribes to the listserv can send messages to the entire list. Members have often used the list to ask questions and share ideas with the list. You can join by going to the Illinois listserv site, logging in with your University credentials, searching for EForum, and subscribing. Alternatively, you can give us your name and email, below, and we will subscribe you manually.

Subscribe to IGET’s Listserv!
Once subscribed, you can pose your questions to the ed tech community by emailing eforum@listserv.illinois.edu. Receive questions from others and occasional announcements from the IGET Steering Committee.

How Can I Contribute?

We would love your involvement! The best ways to participate are by joining the listserv (described above) and attending IGET events. Over time, IGET events will call upon people from across campus to share a little about the work they are doing, offer a brown bag workshop on a specific topic, or plan upcoming events. Contact the steering committee if you have additional ideas!


Your Fall 2016 IGET Steering Committee

  • Jeremy Bauer, College of Fine and Applied Arts
  • Lisa Hinchliffe, University Library
  • Jason Mock, Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
  • Dave Mussulman, College of Engineering
  • Norma Scagnoli, College of Business
  • Kostas Yfantis, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences