Join IGET and Our Listserv

There is no formal application process and no fee to participate in the IGET community! The best way to get connected is by joining our listserv (it’s low traffic) via the directions below and to attend our monthly events as described in posts to the listserv.

To join our listserv:

  1. Visit the University of Illinois Mailing Lists server.
  2. Login at the very top-right of the page (select Campus Login)
  3. Hover over Search for List(s) and then select Search form from the drop down menu
  4. Search for “eforum” or visit the eforum lists page and click subscribe.

Once subscribed, you can pose your questions to the ed tech community by emailing You’ll also receive future meeting invites!


IGET also has a Microsoft Teams space! To join the team, use the following link: IGET (Interest Group for Educational Technology) Team. Be sure to explore additional channels in this space including Canvas Explorers, Canvas Hackers, and Digital Polling!