Cena y Ciencias goes to the Student Organization Fair at UIUC to promote our work on July, 2022. We always welcome new volunteer prospects to apply, if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us ( ivan3@illinois.edu)
Gracias a nuestros voluntarios!
Thanks to our great volunteers! Gonzalo Campillo Alvarado, and Elani Cabrera Vega and everyone else in making this and other activities possible.
“At Cena y Ciencias, Illinois Scientists Shine a (UV) Light on Fluorescence”
El Departamento de Biología Molecular y Celular reconocío a nuestro programa en la conferencia nacional de SACNAS
Molecular and Cellular Biology Magazine recognized our success at the SACNAS National Conference
Nuestro Capítulo de SACNAS ha ganado dos premios en gran parte a causa de Cena y Ciencias
Our SACNAS Chapter has won multiple awards in part because of Cena y Ciencias