CTA rejects rumor on social media

According to Megan Crepeau, the Chicago Transit Authority addressed rumors on Facebook and Twitter letting people know there have been no ID checkpoints regarding immigration status. They made it clear that they do not support this activity, and everyone is welcome no matter where they are from. The post was made in English as well as Spanish to reach a larger audience. The rumor began after people took to social media warning others that there have been officers checking people’s immigration statuses at the station. The CTA believes that there may have been a misunderstanding, due to the bag checking services they offer when entering the station. However, this activity does not involve checking immigration status’ but it is for the safety of everyone. It is important to the company that everyone feels safe while using this source of transportation.

Late Night News

The newscast I watched was CBS news. The values that defined the news were impact, human interest, and prominence. The news kept repeating how the weather on the north east was getting worse throughout the night. After a few stories, the news kept going back to how the weather was, updating the viewers. This represents impact, it was affecting the viewers lives because it was happening currently. If the news tells viewers to stay off the roads, as it did, viewers are more likely to take their advice because they are informing them that it is dangerous. Another story talked about was how a lady was forced to give birth on a jail floor. This news value is human interest. The way they portrayed the story made me feel sympathy for the woman even though she was in jail for a reason. They kept mentioning that she was very scared, and she was afraid of her baby dying which made me feel sorry for her and question the police’s actions. The other story was about Donald Trump and his tweet to Nordstorm. This represents prominence because he is our president now, so every move he makes is something to talk about.

About Me

Hello all,

Welcome to my about me page. My name is Camila! I study Communication at the University of Illinois. I am considering minoring in Public Relations, which has brought me to this class. I was born in Bahia de Caraquez, a small village on the Pacific coast of Ecuador. My mother is from Ecuador and my father is from St. Louis. I grew up in a multicultural household. I am fluent in Spanish, but I consider English my first language. I left Ecuador when I was 2, and moved to Champaign, where I still live today. However, I do go back to Ecuador 3 months out of the year to visit family and friends. Traveling is my passion. I have been to Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Czech Republic, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and so on. Out of all the beautiful places I have been to, the Galapagos Islands is by far my favorite place because I am an animal lover and I enjoy spending time at the beach. When I am not traveling or in school, I spend time with my family and friends, cuddle with my puppy Coco, and work as a waitress at Billy Barooz (the food is so good you should try it). I am looking forward to what this year has in store for me!

Galapagos Islands, 2016

My new puppy, Coco!