

July 4 – 11: Graduate student P. S. Ganesh Subramanian gave platform presentations at the Indoor Air 2024 conference.

June 11: Our new paper on “Inter-continental variability in the relationship of oxidative potential and cytotoxicity with PM2.5 mass” is accepted in Nature Communications, Congratulations Sudheer!

May 28: Our new paper on “Sources of acellular oxidative potential of water-soluble fine ambient particulate matter in the midwestern United States” is accepted in Journal of Hazardous Materials, Congratulations Haoran!

May 24: Graduate Student Sudheer Salana successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Sudheer Salana.

Apr 30: Graduate Student P. S. Ganesh Subramanian is selected as one of the Mavis Future Faculty Fellows (MF3) for the 2024-2025 academic year. This program is designed to facilitate the training for the next generation of great engineering professors. Congratulations Ganesh!

Apr 12: Graduate Student P. S. Ganesh Subramanian secured the best podium presentation award in the 29th Environmental Engineering & Science Symposium at UIUIC. Congratulations Ganesh!

Mar 15: Our new paper on “Influence of Human Activities and Occupancy on the Emission of Indoor Particles from Respiratory and Nonrespiratory Sources” is accepted in ES&T Air, Congratulations Ganesh!


Oct 3 – 7: Graduate Students, Sudheer Salana, P. S. Ganesh Subramanian, and Tahsina Alam presented their work in the AAAR 2023 Annual Conference.

Aug 30: Verma presented the poster based on the work of his graduate student P. S. Ganesh Subramanian in ISES 2023 Annual meeting.

Apr 14: Graduate Student P. S. Ganesh Subramanian secured the best podium presentation award in the 28th Environmental Engineering & Science Symposium at UIUIC. Congratulations Ganesh!

Mar 26 – 30: Graduate Students, Sudheer Salana and Tahsina Alam presented their work in the ACS Spring 2023 meeting.


Oct 3 – 7: Graduate Students, Sudheer Salana and P.S. Ganesh Subramanian presented their work in the AAAR 2022 Annual Conference.

Sep 26: Our new paper on “Effect of Biomass Burning, Diwali Fireworks, and Polluted Fog Events on the Oxidative Potential of Fine Ambient Particulate Matter in Delhi, India” is accepted in ES&T, Congratulations Joseph!

Sep 9: Graduate Student Sudheer Salana presented his work in the 11th International Aerosol Conference

Jul 18: Our new paper on “On the Relative Contribution of Iron and Organic Compounds, and Their Interaction in Cellular Oxidative Potential of Ambient PM2.5” is accepted in ES&T letters, Congratulations Yixiang!

Feb 16: Graduate Student Haoran Yu successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Haoran Yu.


Dec 13 – 17: Three lab group members, Haoran Yu, Joseph V. Puthussery, and Sudheer Salana presented their work in the AGU Fall Meeting 2021.

Nov 11: Graduate Student Joseph V. Puthussery successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Joseph V. Puthussery.

Nov 10: Our new paper on “Sources of cellular oxidative potential of water-soluble fine ambient particulate matter in the Midwestern United States” is accepted in Journal of Hazardous Materials, Congrats Yixiang!

Oct 18 – 22: Graduate Students, Haoran Yu, Joseph V. Puthussery, and Sudheer Salana presented their work in the AAAR 2021 conference.

Oct 18: Our new paper on “A semi-automated instrument for cellular oxidative potential evaluation (SCOPE) of water-soluble extracts of ambient particulate matter” is accepted in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Congrats Sudheer!

Sep 23: Our new paper on “Spatiotemporal variability in the oxidative potential of ambient fine particulate matter in the Midwestern United States” is accepted in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Congrats Haoran!

Aug 28: Graduate Student Yixiang Wang successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Yixiang Wang.


May 25: Our new paper on the Synergistic and Antagonistic Interactions among PM2.5 components for altering the toxicity of ambient PM2.5 is accepted in Science of the Total Environment. Congrats Yixiang!

May 18: Our new paper on the real-time measurement of Oxidative Potential of ambient PM2.5 in Delhi got accepted in ES&T Letters. Congrats Joseph! (Paper link:

May 12: Graduate Student Joseph Puthussery is selected as one of the Mavis Future Faculty Fellows (MF3) for the 2020-2021 academic year. This program is designed to facilitate the training for the next generation of great engineering professors. Congrats Joseph!

May 15: Verma got another research grant from Jump Arches. We will build a robust testing facility to check the filtration efficiencies of N95 masks.

April 25: Verma gave an invited webinar at CU Boulder

April 22: Verma gave an invited webinar at the University of Illinois Chicago.

April 02: Verma gave an invited webinar at Stanford University.

February 27: Graduate student Haoran Yu got the Chester P. Siess Award for excellent publications through his PhD career so far. Congratulations Haoran!

Jan 31: Verma got the equipment grant from Grainger College of Engineering to buy a new Flow Cytometer. Congratulations to the aerosol research group!

Jan 15: Our proposal to Swiss National Science Foundation got selected for funding. Our realtime OP instrument will go to China. Congratulations to the aerosol research group!


Dec 12: Graduate student Joseph gave a platform presentation at the AGU 2019 Fall meeting

Dec 6: Our paper describing a new semi automated multi end point oxidative potential analyzer got accepted in Aerosol Science and Technology. Congrats Haoran! (Paper link:

Oct 18: Graduate student Haoran Yu won the poster competition award at AAAR 2019 annual conference. Congrats Haoran!

Oct 18: Graduate student Yixiang Wang gave a platform presentation at the AAAR 2019 annual conference

Oct 5: Graduate students Joseph Puthussery and Haoran Yu presented their work in the Midwest Student Conference on Atmospheric Research, Illinois-USA

Sep 28: Graduate student Haoran Yu presented his work in”Turkey Run Analytical Chemistry Conference 2019″. Congrats Haoran!

Sep 23: Graduate student Joseph, passed his doctoral preliminary examination. Congrats Joseph!

August 25: Sudheer Salana joined the aerosol research group as PhD student. Welcome Sudheer!

August 25: Marcel Briguglio joined the aerosol research group as MS student. Welcome Marcel!

July 25: Verma gave two invited talks at King’s College London and University of Birmingham, UK.

July 15: Verma got ZJUI Collaborative Research grant. We will be extending our sampling network to China! Congrats team ARL!

April 29: Graduate student Haoran, passed his doctoral preliminary examination. Congrats Haoran!

April 19: Yixiang Wang won best poster in Materials and Technology Development session at the 2019 AEESP Distinguished Lecture & 25th EES Symposium. Congrats Yixiang!

February 28: Verma got the NSF CAREER award. Congrats team ARL! See the link:

February 2: Graduate student Joseph, presented his work at the “National Environmental Conference”, IIT Bombay, India

January, 10: Our paper on the “Complexation of particle-bound metals and their impact on the oxidative potential”, got accepted in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, Congrats Jinlai! See the link:


December 12: Verma chaired a special session on GeoHealth in AGU Fall meeting, 2018

December 12: Verma presented the work on “Organo-metallic Complexation Effects on ROS activity” at AGU Fall meeting.

October 25: Verma gave an invited talk at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, IL.

October 20: Our paper on the new online instrument for measuring the ROS activity of ambient PM in real-time got accepted in the journal Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Congrats Joseph! (Paper link:

September 5: Three students of the lab presented their work in the International Aerosol Conference at St. Louis, MO.

May 15: Verma won the BRIDGE award for exploring the Variability in the Oxidative Potential of Particulate Matter (PM) across Continent. We will be analyzing the PM samples collected from UK, USA and India!

April 13: Yixiang Wang wins best poster in Materials and Technology Development session at the 24th annual EES spring symposium. Congrats Yixiang!

February 10: Our new paper on assessing the cytotoxicity of ambient aerosols and its relationship with the oxidative potential got accepted in Atmospheric Environment. Congrats Yixiang! (Paper link:

January 26: Three doctoral students of the group (Haoran Yu, Joseph Puthussery and Yixiang Wang) passed the qualifying exam. Congratulations Haoran, Joseph and Yixiang!

January 15: Our new paper on interaction among PM components for altering the ROS activity of ambient particles, got accepted in ES&T. Congrats Haoran! (Paper link:


January 5: Verma was invited to University of Chile Santiago for establishing the laboratory for oxidative potential measurements in the center for environmental sciences

October 21: Jinlai Wei won the poster competition award (10 % of all 300 posters) in AAAR

October 17: Verma gave a tutorial on “methods for measuring the oxidative potential of ambient particles” in AAAR.

August 24: Graduate student, Joseph Puthussery was awarded a travel grant by the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) for presenting his work at the 2017 annual AAAR conference. Congratulations Joseph!

August 22: Verma gave an invited talk at ACS meeting, Washington DC.

May 15: Chen Zheng joined the group as REU. Welcome Chen!

May 10: Our new paper on improvising the Dithiothreitol (DTT) probe for including the contribution of more aerosol components in ROS generation got accepted in ES&T.

April 28: Graduate student, Haoran Yu gave the talk in EES graduate seminar

March 25: Four graduate students, Yixiang Wang, Joseph Puthussery, Haoran Yu, and Jinlai Wei presented posters in the EES symposium at UIUC.


November 14: Verma gave an invited talk at Missouri University of Science and Technology

October 18: Verma presented the poster based on the work of his graduate student (Qianshan Xiong) in AAAR conference, Orlando.

October 10: Verma was elected as the Vice chair of the “Health related aerosol” working group in AAAR.

August 18: Joseph Puthussery joined the group as PhD student. Welcome Joseph!

August 16: Yixiang Wang joined the group as PhD student. Welcome Yixiang!

August 16: Jinlai Wei joined the group as MS student. Welcome Jinlai!

July 10: Our third sampling site got established in Chicago, thanks to the team – Brent Stephen, Haoran Zhao and Haoran Yu.

June 28: Haoran Yu joined the group as PhD student. Welcome Haoran!

June 16: Verma gave an invited talk in the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.

May 16: Verma awarded as Collins Scholar in the College of Engineering Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education program, 2015-16

March 18-23: Verma invited to serve on the NSF (Environmental Engineering) proposal review panel, Arlington, VA, March 2016,

February 10: Verma gave an invited talk in Illinois State Water Survey


October 21: Verma presented in ISES conference, Henderson, NV.

October 16: Verma chaired the session on “health related aerosol” in AAAR conference, Minneapolis, MN.

October 15: Verma presented in AAAR conference, Minneapolis, MN

August 16: Verma started as the assistant professor @UIUC.