Text Editor Discussion

Date: June 29, 2016

Location: University Library, Room 225b

Jon Gunderson; Nick Hoyt; JaEun Ku; Kate Coombe

Meeting Topics


  • Due to commitments, William has adjusted his role to assisting with the integration of the final product, once created, into WordPress
  • Jon has sent a link regarding CKEditor and potential heading restrictions (automatically hides prohibited heading settings)

Main Discussion

  • Due to time and resource constraints, there was a motion to make a final decision regarding which editor would be chosen- TinyMCE or CKEditor
  • Final Decision: While both have similar abilities, CKEditor has a rich API, straightforward coding, and is better documented online than TinyMCE
  • Discussion regarding block level content (heading, paragraph, references); a need to collect information about user navigation of current editors and how editor interface affects what decisions they make

Action Items

  • Nick and John conduct research: Identifying content and editing features, semantic features in CKEditor
    • Nick: Evaluate user interface and how to better organize it, evaluate OneNet
  • JaEun: Examine content type menus for toolbars; laundry list for what we want people to do and be able to do
    • Find a student worker programmer in regards to CKEditor project coding
  • Create a list of all formatting options that people want or need and why
    • Jon: Emphasis on making only semantically meaningful options available rather than current CKEditor toolbox (massive)
    • Nick: Needs to be a balance, since it is not necessarily possible to understand what every person may need to get across their individual meanings. Needs to be simple, but not overly simplified or restrictive