Valentine’s Day Party

Today was an interesting day, the students had a half-day because of conferences and tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.  Because of this, the whole school has an hour at the end of the day for a class party.  The room moms are in charge of organizing this event.  I have never seen such an extravagant school party in my life.  The kids got to hand out valentines and eat some of their candy before the moms arrived.  In addition to that candy, there were cupcakes, cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, juice boxes and more.  When the moms came in they brought a “photo booth” and tons of games and prizes.  The students were all about the room playing games and making things.   The hour went by quickly but the students were so hyped on the food I was glad it was a half day.  It was fun to see the kids have a break to relax and play with each other instead of doing work all day.