Cold Day Craze!

Well this week was a bit nuts! The first two days of the week were so cold that my school closed! I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the combination of student teaching and going to Champaign for my own classes.  Although I enjoy student teaching and learning about my students, I must say it was a nice break to calm down and relax a bit.  Hopefully this isn’t how I feel throughout the whole semester!

With the two days off of school, and Friday down in Champaign for class, I only had two days at school this week.  It was short but I was still able to get some valuable time of learning about my students.  I have only been in the classroom for 6 days now but I know the name of every student.  I am generally good with names which is pretty helpful going into the teaching profession.  I am starting to understand some of the students personalities too.  I know who gets along and who doesn’t, who should and should not be seated together, etc.

There are already some students who have really opened up to me and enjoy my presence in the classroom.  But, there are other students who have not yet warmed up to me.  I hope that in a few more days these students see that I am here to help and am fun! There are only 17 students in my class and there are lots of students who go to different rooms during different times of the day so my class seems pretty small most of the time.  Hopefully I get the chance to spend some 1-on-1 time with each student so that we can connect and get to know each other better.  Fingers crossed!