eLearning Management

The concept of elearning management to me encompasses the many components to elearning. Management is more so the features of elearning which include processing a needs assessment, or having a vision of a particular outcome, planning, creating, implementing, evaluating, and lastly, maintaining the valued outcome. This relates to my definition of elearning because it embodies the different components to elearning from a managerial perspective. Just like any other program designed to impose a visioned outcome or objective, management is the process by which elearning is delivered. For instance, no program is a successful program without evalation and looping back to specific details in order to tweak and make better. If there is no overall process to implement an electronic learning tool or system without productive feedback, then the system could be pointless.

What I mean by Management is the process by which  elearning is delivered is that all of the technological advances and devices created are managed in such a way that they are dissiminated strategically around the world, hence, managing elearning programs. How these elearning programs will reduce cost, what institutions will benefit greatly, and how will it affect learning. Management is merely delivery, but HOW it is delivered.