What is the dress code for the convention?

The dress code for each day of the convention is as follows: Thursday is casual, Friday is business casual, Saturday is business formal, Sunday is business casual.

What are the prices of the hotels and how are hotels being handled?

Hotel registration is now closed. If you are still trying to secure a hotel room, please contact pts.external@gmail.com.

What time are the buses leaving?

On Thursday, the bus leaves O’Hare at 4 pm. On Friday, the bus leaves O’Hare at 1 pm. If you cannot make these departure times, please email us at pts.external@gmail.com.

On Sunday, the buses will depart from Champaign at 11 am and arrive at O’Hare at 2:30 pm. If you cannot make the buses, please let us know as soon as possible. We may be able to change the times of the buses if the conflicts are significant enough. Otherwise, we will discount your registration fee.

I want to fly into Champaign. How am I going to get from the Champaign airport to my hotel?

All hotelsĀ have shuttles that can pick you up from Willard Airport.

How do I register and when is the deadline?
You must fill out the room registration and the individual registration. The deadline for individual registration (which is where the registration fee is paid) is February 16, but our room block is released after February 6. This means that we cannot promise you our rates or space after February 6.

I have a question not addressed on this page. What should I do?

Email pts.external@gmail.com. Please help us add questions to the FAQ.