Module 8

Questions that an organization should consider to develop a proposal for the eLearning initiative.

  1. Where will the funding come from?  (This is likely one of the most important questions that needs to be addressed.  No funding.  No Program)
  2. Is the current funding sustainable for the long term?  If not, what plans do you have in place to ensure continued funding for the long term?  (If the funding plans to be used to launch the program are short-term, what plans have been made to ensure funding has been allocated for this program?  Much like #1.  No funds.  No Program.)
  3. How will you measure student success and ease of use?  (Student success is imperative for recruitment of new students and retention of current students.  If the program is hard to navigate, access, etc., student will not be likely to be a part of the program)
  4. In what ways and using what methods will you evaluate the eLearning program? (Evaluation is critical at all stages of the development of the program.  It offers a barometer for those who can make changes as to where the program is and whether or not it is effective) In Formative ways? (Formative evaluation can help offer insights as to what is working and what can be improved upon as you are creating the program.  In a live program, even the “Summative” is formative as it drives changes to a live program) In Summative ways? (This form of evaluation can give a more robust look at the program and if it is reaching the goals.  As stated previously, in a live program, even the “Summative” is formative as it drives changes to a live program.)
  5. What kind of management team will be used to ensure the success of the program? (How will the team be organized and what skills will be required to lead the program?)
  6. Is IT infrastructure capable of handling the new demand that will be placed upon it? (If IT infrastructure is no capable of handling the additional burden, what can be done (of any) to make the infrastructure capable of handling the additional load?  If additional funding is needed to make the IT system more robust and capable, this must be considered before moving forward.)
  7. Is IT staff trained in the needs and requirements of the training program to best facilitate the training program from and IT standpoint?  (IT needs to have a very in depth understanding of what is needed to make IT and the training program work well together.  Without this unity, the teams will act as segments and ultimately experience communication issues at all levels.)
  8. What skillsets will be used to determine who will be used as trainers or teachers?  (Having the right people training is imperative.  Just because someone has experience in an area does not automatically equate to having an ability to train)
  9. Are the people who are to be the trainers or the teachers trained in the needs to make the eLearning program successful?  (Much like #8, trainers may not be aware of the needs of an online learning program and how to make the tools more useable and make the training more effective)
  10. Is there a plan to ensure the constant support of the trainers and/or teachers to be successful in the program? (Much like #9, the trainers need support with the requirements of training and online learning, especially as the technology continues to change at such a rapid pace)