Taking Your Exams

Exams in MCB 150 Online can be taken one of two ways:

  • In person at the MCB Learning Center in Burrill Hall
  • Using a paid service called ProctorU

If you choose ProctorU, you are able to take your exam from anywhere in the world, provided you have the following technical requirements:

  • Reliable high-speed Internet connection
  • Web cam (internal or external)
  • Speakers (internal or external)
  • Microphone (internal or external)

These technical requirements allow the ProctorU representative to monitor you and your work environment during your exam.  We have used this service the last three years, and it is convenient and reliable. The cost varies from year to year, but is generally less than $20 per exam.

Please note that the times provided for the exams are Champaign time. We will all be taking exams simultaneously. If a student is taking the exam in another time zone, the student is responsible for making the adjustments. Depending on location, this could mean early morning or late night exams.

Students are welcome to change their exam delivery choice for each exam. For example, a student who uses ProctorU for Exam I is welcome to take Exam II in person, and so forth.