
How do I make a resume?

There are many different styles of resumes out there.  Making a resume takes time and should be updated on a regular basis.  Every time a new experience comes your way, be sure to include it on your resume.  It is easier to update it regularly as opposed to all at once trying to remember it all in one sitting.  Here is a sample resume to get your started.  These are general resume writing rules and tips.  Here are some additional topics to think about when you are writing your resume.

  • Is the job you are listing your current job?
    • If so, you will want to use present tense verbs to describe all of your job duties.
  • Is your job listed a previous job?
    • If so, you will want to use past tense to describe all of your duties.  Past tense verbs make your statements stronger.
  • Choose your words very carefully!
    • This website has a lot of good tips for choosing keywords!