This summer will feature three Deep Dive sessions as described in the What’s Next? summary that followed up on the January retreat and laid out the work for the coming months.
The first of these is the Teaching and Transformative Learning Deep Dive session and is being developed in collaboration with Sue Searing, Associate University Librarian for User Services. This session will be focused on the campus strategic plan goal of Transformative Learning and the Library’s engagement in teaching and learning. Chuck Tucker, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Innovation, will provide an opening talk to frame our discussions.
Please register for this even no later than Tuesday, April 28 at 5pm so that we can finalize the catering order, etc.
Teaching and Transformative Learning Deep Dive
Latzer Hall, University YMCA
May 1, 2015
8:30 – Registration, Coffee and Snacks
9:00-Noon – Speakers, Discussions, and Prioritization