At the March 19, 2015 All-Library Meeting Valerie Hotchkiss and Bill Mischo presented an update on the strategic planning process on behalf of the Strategic Planning Steering Team: AllLibraryMeeting-SP-2015March19 [PDF of PPT Slides]. They reported on the analysis of the input from the Library Retreat as well as the follow-up that is planned.
The Library Retreat resulted in an immense amount of data and many conversations – all helped to help scope the focus for the coming months. This image presents an overview of the upcoming events and structure for the strategic planning process including stakeholders and timelines:
The Strategic Planning Steering Team is particularly grateful to the Associate University Librarians, who are partnering in offering the Deep Dive Sessions, as well as the Staff Development and Training Committee, which has agreed to partner in following up on the suggestions to discuss issues related to staffing/moral/training/organizational culture. This later follow up will be timed to take advantage of the results from the ClimateQUAL survey that was recently conducted and take place in late spring/early summer depending upon when the results from the survey are received and what the findings are.