Joint-project template.
List of projects
Energy efficiency and load balancing
- Jean-François Méhaut, Inria, Professor
- Laxmikant Kale, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Professor
- Philippe Navaux, UFRGS, Professor
- Celso Mendes, NCSA, Research Scientist
- François Broquedis, Grenoble INP
- Edson Luiz Padoin, UFRGS, PhD student
- Yankua Sun, UIUC, PhD student
Overlap Communication and Computation with Hybrid MPI+OmpSs
- Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, Computer Scientist
- Huiwei Lu, Argonne National Laboratory, Postdoctoral Appointee
- Sangmin Seo, Argonne National Laboratory, Postdoctoral Appointee
- Jesus Labarta, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Computer Science Director
- Rosa M. Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Team leader
- Xavier Teruel, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Researcher
- Vicenç Beltran Querol, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Senior Researcher
Checkpointing strategies for adjoint computations
- Guillaume Aupy, Argonne National Laboratory and Inria, Post-doc,
- Julien Herrmann, Inria , PhD student
- Paul Hovland, Argonne National Laboratory, Senior Computational Scientist
- Yves Robert, Inria, Professor
Integrating failure prediction into current fault tolerance protocols in the presence of location over-prediction
- Ana Gainaru, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, graduate student
- Omer Subasi, Barcelona Supercomputer Center, graduate student
- Franck Cappello, Argonne National Laboratory, Senior Computer Scientist
- Osman Unsal, Barcelona Supercomputer Center, Senior Researcher
Study of the Benefits of Using Self-Contained Objects to Accelerate Heterogeneous Memory Runtime Data Distribution
- Toni Cortes, BSC, Group Manager
- Antonio J. Pena, Argonne National Laboratory,, Postdoctoral Appointee
- Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, Computer Scientist
New Techniques to Design Silent Data Corruption Detectors
- Omer Subasi, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, PhD Student
- Leonardo Bautista Gomez, Argonne National Laboratory, Postdoc
- Sheng Di, Argonne National Laboratory, Postdoc
- Frank Cappello, Argonne National Laboratory, Senior Computer Scientist
- Jesus Labarta, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Director of Computer Science Department
- Osman Unsal, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Senior Researcher
Scalability Enhancements to FMM for Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Ivo Kabadshow, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
- Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, Computer Scientist
Programming Model Extensions for Resilience
- Wesley Bland, Argonne National Laboratory, Postdoc
- Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, Computer Scientist
- Vicenç Beltrán, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
- Marc Casas, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Exploiting Active Storage for Resilience
- Andrew A. Chien, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago, Professor
- Dirk Pleiter, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Prof. Dr.
- Dr. Nan Dun, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago
- Martin Stöckle, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
- Nicolas Vandenbergen, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Hybrid resilience for MPI + tasks codes
- Tatiana Martsinkevich, Inria, Ph. D. Student
- Franck Cappello, Argonne National Laboratory, Senior Computer Scientist
- Omer Subasi, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Ph. D. student
Osman Unsal Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Senior Researcher
Modeling and avoiding execution interferences
- Frederic Wagner, Inria, Assistant Professor
- Denis Trystram, Inria, Professor
- Greg Bauer, NCSA
- Franck Cappello, Argonne National Laboratory, Senior Computer Scientist
- Raphaël Bleuse, Inria, Ph. D. Student
Smart in situ visualization
- Lokman Rahmani, ENS Rennes, PhD student
- Matthieu Dorier, ENS Rennes, PhD student
- Tom Peterka, ANL, Senior Researcher
- Luc Bougé, ENS Rennes, Professor
- Gabriel Antoniu, Inria, Senior Researcher
Post-processing task management for extreme-scale science
- Lokman Rahmani, ENS Rennes, PhD student
- Tom Peterka, ANL, Senior Researcher
- Gabriel Antoniu, Inria, Senior Researcher
- Rob Ross, ANL, Senior Researcher
Object-based storage system for HPC systems
- Lokman Rahmani, ENS Rennes, PhD student
- Rob Ross, ANL, Senior Researcher
- Gabriel Antoniu, Inria, Senior Researcher
Exploiting Omnisc’IO to leverage scheduling, prefetching and caching in Exascale systems
- Matthieu Dorier, ENS Rennes, PhD student
- Shadi Ibrahim, Inria, Researcher
- Gabriel Antoniu, Inria, Senior Researcher
- Rob Ross, ANL, Senior Researcher
Towards Interference-aware scheduling in HPC systems
- Orcun Yildiz, Inria, PhD student
- Matthieu Dorier, ENS Rennes, PhD student
- Shadi Ibrahim, Inria, Researcher
- Gabriel Antoniu, Inria, Senior Researcher
- Rob Ross, ANL, Senior Researcher
Integration of BSC and Inria Tools
- Judit Gimenez, BSC, team leader
- Arnaud Legrand, INRIA, team leader
- other participants from BSC and INRIA are expected but have not been yet identified
Reducing Communication in Sparse Iterative and Direct Solvers
- Amanda Bienz, University of Illinois, Phd Student
- Luke Olson, University of Illinois, faculty
- Bill Gropp, University of Illinois, faculty
- Laura Grigori, INRIA, faculty
Developer tools for porting & tuning parallel applications on extreme-scale parallel systems
- Brian J. N. Wylie, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Research Scientist
- Miwako Tsuji, RIKEN AICS, Research Scientist
Algorithms for detecting and correcting silent errors
- Leonardo Bautista, ANL
- Sheng Di, ANL
- Aurélien Cavelan, PhD student, INRIA
- Franck Cappello, ANL
- Yves Robert, INRIA
- Hongyang Sun, Post-doc, INRIA
Shared Infrastructure for Source Transformation Automatic Differentiation
- Laurent Hascoët (INRIA)
- Paul Hovland (Argonne)
- Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan (Argonne)
Extreme-Scale Workflow Tools: Swift, Decaf, Damaris, and FlowVR
- Swift: Justin M. Wozniak, Argonne National Laboratory
- Tom Peterka, Argonne National Laboratory
- Matthieu Dreher, Argonne National Laboratory
- Rob Ross, Argonne National Laboratory
- Damaris: Gabriel Antoniu, INRIA Rennes,
- Shadi Ibrahim, INRIA Rennes,
- Orcun Yildiz, INRIA Rennes,
- Matthieu Dorier, Argonne National Laboratory
- FlowVR: Bruno Raffin, INRIA Grenoble,
- Matthieu Dreher, Argonne National Laboratory