
PUF Summer Schools

In the context of the PUF NextGen project, the Joint Laboratory on Extreme Scale Computing is offering summer schools on topics related to extreme scale computing challenges.

All sessions of the summer schools are recorded and videos of the sessions are available on this page.

The first summer school:

  • Performance Metrics, Modeling and Simulation of Large HPC Systems
  • 17 students
  • 4 Professors
  • Inria Sophia Antipolis
  • June 2013.

Introduction, Arnaud Legrand, CNRS

Instrumentation and Analysis I, Juan Gonzales, BSC

Instrumentation and Analysis II, demo, Juan Gonzales, BSC

Best Practice for Reproductible Research I, Arnauld Legrand, CNRS

Best Practice for Reproductible Research II, demo, Arnauld Legrand, CNRS

Simulation of HPC Systems I, Martin Quinson, Inria

Simulation of HPC Systems II, Martin Quinson, Inria

Simulation of HPC Systems III, demo, Martin Quinson, Inria


The second summer school:

  • Data storage, management and analytics at extreme scale
  • 29 students
  • 4 Professors
  • BSC, Barcelona
  • July 2-3, 2015

Videos of the sessions will be made available soon.


The thirs summer school:

  • Resilience
  • X students
  • Y Professors
  • ENS, Lyon
  • June 2016


CS 498, Hot Topic in High Performance Computing), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Computer Science Department

Hot Topics in High Performance Parallel Computing: Networks and Fault Tolerance. Large-scale computer systems such as Petascale or upcoming Exascale machines pose significant challenges on the system and software designers. In this course, we will address to very important topics in this design: HPC networking and Fault Tolerance. The network will soon be the most expensive and critical part of large machines and fault tolerance is needed to ensure correct operation under the increasing probability of failures of single elements. This course requires basic knowledge in graph theory and system architecture.

Course website


  • Franck Cappello (Fault tolerance)
  • Torsten Hoefler (Networking)
  • Marc Snir


  • Thomas, Ropars, INRIA
  • Ana Gainaru, UIUC/NCSA
  • Leonardo Bautista Gomez, Titech