Archives of Past ILLS Conferences

ILLS 6 - 2014

The sixth ILLS conference was a general linguistics conference with a special session on “Language and Technology”. It featured the following invited speakers: Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Deryle Lonsdale, Chilin Shih, and Paula M. Winke.

The conference was co-organized by Iftikhar Haider, Philothé Kabasele, Megan Kennedy, Julie Kierski, Eun Hee Kim, Klara Skogmyr Marian, Brad B. Miller, and Chaitra Shivaprasad.

ILLS6 – Schedule   Video   Proceedings

ILLS 5 - 2013

The fifth ILLS conference was a general linguistics conference with a special session on “Minority Languages”. It included a poster sesion and featured the following invited speakers: Zsuzsanna Fagyal, Carrie Gillon, Michael Kenstowicz, John Rickford, and Ryan Shosted.

The conference was co-organized by Lydia Medill Catedral, Marissa Goldrich, Megan Kennedy, Kate Lyons, and Itxaso Rodriguez.

ILLS5 – Schedule   Video   Proceedings

ILLS 4 - 2012

The fourth ILLS conference was a general linguistics conference with a special session on “Discourse and Pragmatics”. It featured the following invited speakers: Betty J. Birner, Paul Kiparsky, Jonathan E. Macdonald, Marina Terkourafi, and Robert E. Vann.

The conference was co-organized and chaired by Nyssa Bulkes, Staci Defibaugh, Marissa Goldrich, and Itxaso Rodriguez.

ILLS4 – Schedule   Video   Proceedings

ILLS 3 - 2011

The third ILLS conference was a general linguistics conference with a special session on “Multilingualism, Language Contact and Globalization”. It featured the following invited speakers: Karlos Aarregi, Rakesh Bhatt, Fred Cummins, Fred Davidson, Susan Gal, and Michael Maune.

The conference was co-organized by Amanda Huensch and Erin Rusaw.

ILLS3 – Schedule   Video  Proceedings

ILLS 2 - 2010

The second ILLS conference titled “Illinois Language and Linguistics Society 2: Novel Technologies and Methodologies in Linguistics Research” featured the following invited speakers: Wayne Cowart, Bryan Gick, Tania Ionin, and Tandy Warnow.

The conference was co-organized by Tim Mahrt, Megan Osfar, Vandana Puri, and Kevin Stillwell; and the conference committee consisted of Tania Ionin (faculty advisor), Jennifer Cramer, Matt Garley, Jill Hallett, Amanda Huensch, Eunah Kim, Karen Lichtman, Liam Moran, Lisa Pierce, Erin Rusaw, and Benjamin Slade.

ILLS2 – Schedule   Video  Proceedings

ILLS 1 - 2009

The first ILLS conference titled “Illinois Language and Linguistics Society 1: Language Online” featured the following invited speakers: Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Richard Hallett, Susan Herring, Theresa Heyd, and Randall Sadler.

The conference was co-organized by Matt Garley and Benjamin Slade; and the conference committee consisted of Randall Sadler (faculty advisor), Amanda Huensch, Erin Rusaw, Zak Hulstrom, Adriana Molina Muñoz, Karen Lichtman, Liam Moran, Lisa Pierce, Eunah Kim, Soondo Baek, Jill Hallett, and Nikos Vergis.

ILLS1 – Schedule   Video  Proceedings