Heart and Stomach of a Queen: Elizabeth in the Liturgy

“The praises of Elizabeth are said to be sung at the end of the public prayers, as the Antiphon of our lady was sung in former days” – pg 30


I believe that Elizabeth’s use of the imagery of the Virgin Mary is perhaps one of her most clever and useful ploys as Queen. The fact that she was able to insert herself into the liturgy is an example of how effective she was at it. This served to increase her appeal amongst the Protestants while at the same time making it more palatable that a woman hold not only the crown but also the headship of the Church. In addition to these things, it also legtiamized her status as unmarried. The Virgin Mary imagery was by far one of the most successful for Elizabeth .

One thought on “Heart and Stomach of a Queen: Elizabeth in the Liturgy

  1. I agree that it was a savvy identification for Elizabeth to claim that she was akin to the Virgin Mary. It caused her to be elevated to a practically godly status. She capitalized on the religious climate that was transitioning from Catholic to Protestant and was able to use it to her advantage.

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