Now hiring: I-Connect diversity workshop undergrad facilitators

Dedicated to diversity? Facilitate important conversations and change your campus!
Diversity and Social Justice Education is looking for undergraduate students to facilitate I-Connect Diversity and Inclusion Workshops starting in Spring 2014. The I-Connect Diversity and Inclusion Workshop is a brand new initiative of the Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations and the Division of Student Affairs. During these workshops, new students will take a look beyond “diversity” and focus on some of the skills that we all use that promote inclusion and community.
We will soon start holding interviews for I-Connect facilitators. Experience facilitating difficult conversations is a must! The position is paid, and interviews will be held in mid-October. Students of color, LGBTQ, and students with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply. 
Apply at  For more information, contact: or 217-244-1814.
Diversity & Social Justice Education