Educational Resources
- BBC NEWS headline stories on world issues and country and topical information
- Bridging World History: Archive contains over 1500 items, including photos, documents, maps, and other items, ready for your research and classroom use.
- Calendars Through the Ages calendars from different cultures and historical periods with explanations.
- Carolina Navigators provides free global education resources to educators and students from kindergarten to college primarily in North Carolina but their virtual presentations are accessible online.
- Center for Global Studies curriculum units: Battle of Metaphors (2006) and Russian Energy in the Modern World (2007).
- The Choices Program curriculum units and online resources prepared by the Choices for the 21st Century Education Program at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies.
- Facing the Future teaching and learning global issues and sustainability such as environment, population, conflict, poverty, consumption, health, and climate change
- Flow of History several hundred pages of information, from the evolutionary processes that formed our bodies, to the forces of globalization that exploded in the 1990s. It is detailed, engaging reading—the result of over 25 years of continuous refinement for actual classroom use.
- Oxfam Education resources on education for global citizenship, including Global Citizenship: The Handbook for Primary Teaching, a comprehensive guide to teaching the existing curriculum in a way that promotes social justice and equity.
- Gapminder uses interactive bubble graphs to helps challenge preconceived ideas about how the contemporary world looks. Excellent for secondary school social studies, Gap minder graphs can be used to stimulate an interest in using statistics to understand world history, geography, and society.
- Global Education Resources listed by the National Education Association provides curriculum guides and teaching resources while listing organizations, professional development resources, and web portals.
- The Global History Educator is Craig J. Perrier’s professional blog on teaching historical thinking and global education.
- information and interdisciplinary learning opportunities to promote a greater understanding of globalization
- Great Decisions: In the Classroom materials developed by the Foreign Policy Association include briefing books, teaching guides, “headline” series on current topics in international affairs
- History and Literature in the Sudan is a hypothetical five-week curriculum that explores the genesis and growth of the conflict in Darfur, Sudan, through a joint eleventh grade English/history humanities unit.
- International Children’s Digital Library aims to make the best in children’s literature from around the world available free on the web. It includes nearly 5,000 books in over 50 languages in a child-friendly format for reading online. Search books by language, award winning titles, and more.
- New Internationalist magazine that offers a radical, activist, campaigning stance on a range of world issues, and has more than 75,000 subscribers worldwide,
- New York Times Learning Network daily lesson plans for grades 6-12, previous lessons are archived, and the News Snapshot for grades 3-5 helps students explore current events
- Peace Corps for Educators: Lesson Plans lesson plans about cultures and countries around the world, free cross-cultural publications, videos, stories, folk tales, and access to classroom speakers
- Share My Lesson has lesson plans and resources on world geography, history, and current events, has a significant resource bank for Common Core State Standards, and was developed by the American Federation of Teachers and TES Connect, the largest network of teachers in the world.
- TakingITGlobal social networking site for young people to access information and get involved in improving their local and global communities
- is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and is designed to help K-12 teachers to access resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom.
- Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs Thought Leaders Forum: short videos featuring leading thinkers discussing international ethics issues.
- UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization/Culture resources on world culture and heritage with access to various publications
- UNHCR Lesson Modules The UN Refugee Agency has prepared refugee theme units for art, geography, human rights, history, civic education and literature. Lesson plans are available for 9-11, 12-14, and 15-18 year olds.
- UNICEF The State of the World’s Children (SOWC) the report and interactive website on critical issues related to the health, education and human rights of the world’s children
- United Nations This link will direct you to more resources by the United Nations divisions
- Women in World History includes over 200 primary sources, case studies by teachers, lesson plans, and document-based questions
- World Affairs Councils of America (WACA) is a network of councils that focus on international affairs and world affairs and also provide educational resources for teachers and students
- World Factbook provides in-depth country profiles with information on geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues; includes maps of major regions and links to other geopolitical and geographical information
- World History for Us All at San Diego State University provides innovative model curriculum for teaching world history in middle and high schools.
- World History Matters provides guides and strategies for analyzing images, maps, newspapers, and other primary sources, includes case studies (written by teachers) from Hammurabi’s Code to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band