Scholars-in-Residence Program
Meet Our Most Recent Scholar-in-Residence
Dr. She is an Associate Professor of Arabic at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China. Dr. She is interested in the economic development of Saudi Arabia and the influence of China on that development.
China’s economic and trade cooperation with Arab countries has evolved over the past several decades and has influenced its economic development and globalization processes. More than 30 years ago, China conducted a low volume of trade with a limited number of Arab countries, and focused mainly on trading traditional commodities. Today, China trades with all Arab countries, and has become one of their most important trading partners.
Dr. She conducted a lecture discussed China’s shifting role from being the recipient of development expertise to being the provider of advanced equipment, technology and management experience in various Arab nations such as Kuwait, Iraq and Egypt.
About the Program
The Center for Global Studies (CGS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is able to host a small number of Scholars-in-Residence each year. Scholars-in-Residence may work with faculty and students on specific research projects, offer lectures about their research, and attend the many study groups, talks, and formal presentations hosted by CGS and at the University of Illinois.
In reviewing applications, CGS gives preference to individuals holding a doctoral degree, are actively engaged as researchers at other institutions, and are working in research areas compatible with the CGS Mission.
CGS provides no financial support to Scholars-in-Residence. We can provide a desk and access to the University Library. Residencies may last up to one calendar year.
Application Process
International and U.S. scholars interested in applying as a Scholar-in-Residence must submit the following information:
- Letter of intent indicating a desire to visit the University of Illinois and the expected dates of the visit as well as sources of financial support (Please note, the U.S. State Department requires a guarantee of support for all individuals who are not citizens of the United States.)
- Current curriculum vita (resume)
- Statement of specific research interests, including proposed plan of work while at Illinois.
- List of other universities to which applicant has applied and reasons why application is being made to the University of Illinois and CGS.
- Names, addresses, phone number and e-mail of three individuals who may be contacted for references (regarding the applicant’s scholarly ability and facility with written and spoken English, if English is not the applicant’s first language).
Applicants will be notified within three months with our decision.
Applications should be sent to:
Scholar-in-Residence ProgramCenter for Global Studies
910 S. Fifth Street, (MC-402)
Champaign, IL 61820
Questions should be directed to CGS Director, Steven W. Witt at
Once accepted, the individual will be required to submit proof of funding (please see the Web page of International Student and Scholar Services for the most current information and forms) and of health insurance coverage (alternatively, this may be purchased when in the U.S.). The University will assist in completing the paperwork to obtain a J-1 Visa from the United States government. Additional information of interest to international visitors can be found at the Web page of International Student and Scholar Services.