CS498 mp4

CS498 mp4

In this MP, I was expected to create a panorama from a video.

  1. For the first instance, I created a homography between two images. Here is the result for that.mp5part1
  2. Secondly, I created a panorama of five images. I used the homography, and I think I got it projected backwards compared to what was asked. But I did not have time to change the order of projection.part2panorama
  3. I then made a video of all the frames using homography.Here are the results for that.


4. I went on to make the background panorama. I spent quite a lot of time, but I was very proud of the result. panorama_background
As seen in this image, the edges are a bit odd with random red coloured streaks. But otherwise, the cars, and the people have more or less vanished. The result can be improved with more frames.

5.Here is the background video

Here is the foreground video:




Additional video 1

I extracted the frames from a video for 40 seconds, in order to get a wider panorama.

  1. This is a preliminary homography made with frames 650 and 795 of a video I recorded. part1
  2.  Next, I made a panorama of five images. There are some differences in lighting as the clouds stopped obstructing the Sun.part2panorama
  3. I then created a video of all the frames with homography.
  4. I then made a background panorama, which turned out great.part4background
  5. I then used my background panorama to create a video of objects moving


  6. A movie of foreground pixels


Additional video 2

  1. Here is an image created from two frames to test homography.part1
  2. Here is a panorama of 5 framespart2panorama
  3. Here is a video of the frames
  4. Here is a panorama of the backgroundpart4pan
  5. Here is the video of the background images
  6. Here is the video of the foreground pixels.