Blog Module 7: funding for e-learning

If my organization (an airline) were going to launch an online initiative in the next 12 months, according to Bates, Managing Technological Change, chapter 7 (pages 173-179) I would choose the partnership funding to find funds to run the program with an arrangement based on external accreditation. I would find the best aeronautical programs that Colombia have and I would propose them to partner with us to design an online program for the flight attendance. The flight attendances need to demonstrate their skills and capabilities based on accredited licenses and it could be a successful way to implement the program and have better costs for all the constituents.

The airline can gain formal academic accreditation for its programs for their employees and have better employees performance results and better talent and potential based on their professional development. The universities can gain new students, take advantage of their brand management by partnering with a good reputation airline brand that could bring more students for their programs as a synonymous of good quality, excellence in education and the ability to connect the university programs with real corporation for better future. This partnership would be a win-win strategy for the partners.

From the beginning it is important to involve university and airline to design a business case and answer all the possible issues we could address in order to fill all the expectations and present the project to both board of trustees.

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