Executive Board

President: Xander Rocha (He/him)

Major: Animal science, Pre-vet concentration

Year: Junior

Favorite Animal: Coelacanth

Fun Fact: I was one of many people to help preserve the wonderful squirrel Pinto Bean.

Vice President: Joelle Busby (she/her)

Major: NRES Fish and Wildlife management

Year: Senior

Favorite Animal: Giant Ant eater

Fun fact: I have been to 15 countries.

Secretary: Claudia Papiez (she/her)

Major: Animal Sciences / Pre-Vet

Year: Junior

Favorite Animal: Manatee

Treasurer: Sara Merkelz (she/her)

Major: Integrative Biology

Minor: Conservation Biology

Year: Senior

Favorite Animal: Indri Lemur

Fun Fact: I have shared custody of 7 Madagascar hissing roaches with my officemate!

Trip/Event Coordinator: Sarah Ernat (she/her)

Major: ANSC Companion Animal Concentration

Minor: NRES (wildlife and fisheries)

Year: Sophomore

Favorite Animal: Opossum

Fun fact: I have pet snails 🙂

Graduate Advisor: Nicole Pietrunti (she/her)

Major: Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Year: 2nd year Master’s student

Favorite animal: Waterfowl, wetland birds, and seabirds

Fun fact: I train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and play the acoustic guitar.

Social Media Coordinator: Chantelle Diener (she/her)

Major: NRES

Year: Sophomore

Favorite animal: Lake sturgeon

ACES Council Rep: Georgia Gmytrasiewicz (she/her)

Major: IB and ESES with science of earth systems concentration

Year: Sophomore

Favorite animal: Penguin

Bird Stike Committee

Communications Coordinator: Leilany Fuentes-Garcia (she/they)

Major: Sustainable Design

Minor: Architecture

Year: Sophomore

Favorite Animal: American Crow

Fun Fact: I like collecting vintage bird books.

Volunteer management: Sarah Jacobson (she/her)

Major: NRES, fish and wildlife

Year: Sophomore

Favorite Animal: Kookaburra

Faculty Advisors:  Dr. T.J. BensonÂ