Spring break~~

Only 6 weeks left in student teaching! This semester has been flying by… how is it spring break already?

Much of my spring break was spent relaxing and catching up with friends. With all the work involved in student teaching, it is often hard to find time to meet up with friends all the time. I’m glad we had the week off to have some more free-time. The end of spring break is here and I am relaxed and ready for my full-takeover!

I have been spending time during spring break prepping for my full-takeover. I feel as if I’m ready to teach but also feel very nervous… even though I have been teaching 2 out of my 3 blocks already. My co-op has prepared me by giving me reminders, helpful hints, and always asking me if she can do anything to help! Tomorrow is my first official day of full-takeover.

I went to visit some friends in Champaign and many of my younger friends who are education majors ask me about this semester. I gave them one hint, which was to always stay on top of things and get things done early. I told them to film early and submit edTPA before spring break so that you can focus primarily on job applications/interviews and full-takeover.

Time moves very fast when you’re trying to balance college courses, work, and student teaching so it’s easy to forget a task or two. I always encourage people to make to-do lists and use your planner!