ChatGPT & Other LLMs

What are LLMs?

Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models (LLMs) are computer-generated models that use deep learning to generate human-like text and are one of many kinds of generative artificial technology (AI) tools that generate outputs from prompts. LLMs are a type of technology that relies on natural language processing (NLP) to understand human language. NLP is a form of AI that enables computers to analyze and interpret text and speech data in a way that is similar to humans. Some common applications of NLP include translation, speech recognition, sentiment analysis, and chatbots. 

(Video Google for Developers, “What are Large Language Models (LLMs),” 5:30)

Types of LLMs

(Chat GPT Explained in 5 Minutes | What is ChatGPT?)

There are many versions of large language models, first coming to light with the release of ChatGPT-3.5, which was the first open-access LLM chatbot available to anyone anywhere. It has sparked controversy about academic integrity and dystopian futures alike. Despite the controversy, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, and many technology companies are exploring ways to incorporate large language models and chatbots into their already-existing tools. For example, Grammarly, the commonly used grammar app, now has a large language model built in called GrammarlyGO. Users with GrammarlyGO, can highlight text and have it improved by the LLM. This tool can also be used to write full sentences, explanations, emails, summaries, etc.

Different types of LLMs include ChatGPT, Bard, My AI on Snapchat, GrammarlyGO, Khanmigo, and more. Many LLMs are open access to anyone and have free versions, which makes them easily accessible to anyone anywhere. They have applications and implications in the classroom and at work. 

Google also has a new built-in AI chatbot, Google Bard, making these models as easily accessible as going to Google, as most of us do daily anyway. Khan Acadamy is also piloting an AI chatbot, Khanmigo, that can act as both a virtual tutor AND a virtual teaching assistant. 

Students are using these tools to write essays, do homework, and respond to questions. See how students in your courses may be using ChatGPT in the article from The Chronicle of Higher Education, “I’m a Student. You Have No Idea How Much We’re Using ChatGPT” (external link).

Other Generative AI Systems

There are various types of generative AI, including those that can produce images and videos based on text input, as well as those that can generate music, language, and even entire virtual environments. These AI systems use complex algorithms and neural networks to create new content that is often indistinguishable from human-generated content.

ChatGPT Cheat Sheet

Check out this great cheat sheet from The Neuron for more! Or check out The Neuron for even more tips and tricks!