Ken Robertson

I am a plant systematist (taxonomist), which means that I study how plants are classified and related to each other. I am also interested in natural areas in Illinois, especially prairies, and in botanical gardens and arboreta. I retired from the Illinois Natural History in 2008, but remain an affiliate.

In addition to the work on this website, you can see other reports and publications I authored or co-authored in the University of Illinois’ IDEALS repository.

Journal articles

Robertson, K. R. 1966. The genus Erythronium (Liliaceae) in Kansas. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 53: 197–204.

Robertson, K. R. 1967. Clethraceae. in Flora of Panama. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 54: 389–392.

Robertson, K. R. 1970. Convolvulaceae. in Chromosome number of phanerogams. 4. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 57: 383–384.

Robertson, K. R. 1971. The Linaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 52: 649–665.

Robertson, K. R. 1972. The Malpighiaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 53: 101–112.

Robertson, K. R. 1972. Nomina conservanda proposita (32) 3316. Physocarpus (Cambessèdes) Rafinesque. Taxon 21: 211–212.

Robertson, K. R. 1972. The genera of Geraniaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 53: 182–201.

Robertson, K. R. 1973. The Krameriaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 54: 322–327.

Robertson, K. R. 1974. Jacquemontia ovalifolia (Convolvulaceae) in Africa, the West Indies, and the Hawaiian Islands. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 61: 502–513.

Robertson, K. R. 1974. The genera of Rosaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 55: 303–332, 344–401, 611–622.

Robertson, K. R. 1975. The Oxalidaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 56: 223–239.

Robertson, K. R. and Y. T. Lee. 1976. The genera of Caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae) in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 57: 1–53.

Robertson, K. R. 1976. Cercis: The redbuds. Arnoldia 36: 37–49.

Robertson, K. R. 1976. The genera of Haemodoraceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 57: 205–216.

Robertson, K. R. 1977. Cladrastis: The yellow-woods. Arnoldia 37: 137–150.

Robertson, K. R. 1980. The observation, photography, and collection of plants. Illinois Natural History Survey Circular No. 55. iv + 62 pp.

Robertson, K. R. 1981. The genera of Amaranthaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 62: 267–313.

Robertson, K. R. 1982. The genera of Olacaceae in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 63: 387–399.

Robertson, K. R. 1982. Odonellia, a new genus of Convolvulaceae from Tropical America. Brittonia 34: 417–423.

Robertson, K. R. 1983. Comment opposed to (670) proposal to conserve Gillenia (Rosaceae). Taxon 32: 306.

Robertson, K. R., W. E. McClain, and A. C. Koelling. 1983. First confirmation of Erythronium mesochoreum (Liliaceae) east of the Mississippi River. Castanea 48: 146–150.

Cackler, S. D., R. M. Skirvin, and K. R. Robertson. 1984. The commercial production of prairie plants. Pp. 156–158 in R. Brewer, ed., Proceedings of the Eighth North American Prairie Conference, Western Michigan University Press, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Godfrey, G., J. Bouseman, W. Edwards, K. Robertson, and R. Zewadski, eds. 1985. 125 years of biological research 1858–1983: A symposium. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 33: 139–333.

Robertson, K. R., P. J. Burton, and B. N. McKnight. 1986. A directory of Illinois Systematists and Ecologists. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 3. 102 p.

Burton, P. J., K. R. Robertson, L. R. Iverson, and P. G. Risser. 1988. Use of resource partitioning and disturbance regimes in the design and management of restored prairies. Pp. 46–88 in E. B. Allen, ed., The reconstruction of disturbed arid lands. AAAS Selected Symposium 109. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.

Burton, P. J., K. R. Robertson, L. R. Iverson, and P. G. Risser. 1988. Suggested applications of ecological theory to prairie restoration. Article 01.16. in A. Davis and G. Stanford, eds., The prairie: roots of our culture; foundation of our economy. Proceedings of the Tenth North American Prairie Conference. Native Prairie Association of Texas, Dallas.

Burton, P. B., K. R. Robertson, and A. Dennis. 1989. Directory of Illinois systematists, ecologists, and field biologists. Second edition. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication.

Phipps, J. B., K. R. Robertson, P. G. Smith, and J. R. Rohrer. 1990. A checklist of the subfamily Maloideae (Rosaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 68: 2209–2269.

Bowles, M. L., J. B. Taft, E. F. Ulaszek, M. K. Solecki, D. M. Ketzner, A. Dennis, P. J. Burton, and K. R. Robertson. 1991. Results of searches to locate populations of endangered species of plants in Illinois, with reports of species new to the state. Erigenia, Journal of the Illinois Native Plant Society 11:27–51.

Robertson, K. R., J. R. Rohrer, J. B. Phipps, and P. G. Smith. 1991. A synopsis of genera in subfamily Maloideae (Rosaceae). Systematic Botany 16: 376–394.

Phipps, J. B., K. R. Robertson, J. R. Rohrer, and P. G. Smith. 1991. Origins and evolution of subfam. Maloideae (Rosaceae). Systematic Botany 16: 303–332.

Rohrer, J. R., K. R. Robertson, and J. B. Phipps. 1992. Variation in structure among fruits of Maloideae (Rosaceae). American Journal of Botany 78: 1617–1835.

Robertson, K. R., J. R. Rohrer, and J. B. Phipps. 1992. Summary of leaves of the genera of Maloideae (Rosaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 79: 81–94.

D´Arcy, W. G., J. W. Nowicke, and K. R. Robertson. 1992. A tribute to Walter H. Lewis–Introduction to the Symposium volume. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 79:1–7.

Ioannides, I. M., K. R. Robertson, and C. A. Rebeiz. 1992. Chloroplast biogenesis 65. Study of the greening group affiliation of green plants. Plant Physiology (Life Science Advances) 11: 79–88.

Robertson, K. R. 1993. Angiosperms: Rosales. The Encyclopædia Britannica. Macropædia. 13: 697–702. [1993 printing of the 15th edition.]

Ioannides, I. M., D. A. Fasoulak, K. R. Robertson, and C. A. Rebeiz. 1994. An evolutionary study of chlorophyll biosynthetic heterogeneity in green plants. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 22: 211–220.

Rohrer, J. R., K. R. Robertson, and J. B. Phipps. 1994. Floral morphology of Maloideae (Rosaceae) and its systematic relevance. American Journal of Botany 81: 574–581.

Robertson, K. R. and A. S. Robertson. 1994. The miniature world of tree flowers. Illinois Steward 3: 14–17.

Morgan, D. R., D. E. Soltis, and K. R. Robertson. 1994. Systematic and evolutionary implications of rbcL sequence variation in Rosaceae. American Journal of Botany 81: 890–903.

Robertson, K. R. and M. W. Schwartz. 1994. Prairies. Pp. 1–32 in Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. The Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. Vol. 3: Ecological Resources. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield. ILENR/RE-EA-94/05.

Robertson, K. R. 1994. Woody plants of Illinois. Erigenia, Journal of the Illinois Native Plant Society 13: 20–38.

Robertson, K. R., M. W. Schwartz, J. W. Olson, B. K. Dunphy, and H. David Clarke. 1995. A Synopsis of hill prairies in Illinois: 50 years of change. Pp. 9–20 in T. E. Rice, editor, Proceedings of the Fourth Central Illinois Prairie Conference. Prairie remnants: Rekindling our natural heritage. Millikin University, Decatur, September 17–18, 1994. Grand Prairie Friends of Illinois, Urbana.

Robertson, K. R., M. W. Schwartz, J. W. Olson, B. K. Dunphy, and H. D. Clarke. 1995. Fifty years of change in Illinois hill prairies. Erigenia, Journal of the Illinois Native Plant Society 14: 41–52.

Robertson, K. R., N. F. Weeden, and J. R. Rohrer. 1996. Status of Chamaemeles (Rosaceae: Maloideae) on Madeira. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (Proceedings of the First Symposium on the Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands) Sup. 4: 621–636.

Robertson, K. R. and J. A. Tate. 1996. Directory of Illinois Systematists, ecologists, and field biologists. Third Edition. Published electronically, programming by J. W. Crowder, Illinois Natural History Survey World Wide Web site [].

Mosyakin, S. L. and K. R. Robertson. 1996. New infrageneric taxa and combinations in Amaranthus L. (Amaranthaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici 33: 275–281.

Robertson, K. R., R. C. Anderson, and M. W. Schwartz. 1997. The tallgrass prairie mosaic. Pp. 55–87 in M. W. Schwartz, ed., Conservation in Chronically Fragmented Landscapes. Chapman and Hall, New York.

Schwartz, M. W., K. R. Robertson, B. K. Dunphy, J. W. Olson, and A. M. Trame. 1997. The biogeography of and habitat loss on hill prairies in Illinois. Pp. 267–285 in M. W. Schwartz, ed., Conservation in Chronically Fragmented Landscapes. Chapman and Hall, New York.

Abdelmageed H. A., K. F. Elsahhar, K. R. Robertson, R. Parham, and C. A. Rebeiz. 1997. Chloroplast Biogenesis 77. Two novel monovinyl and divinyl light-dark greening groups of plants and their relationship to the chlorophyll a biosynthetic heterogeneity of green plants. Photochemistry & Photobiology. 66: 89–96.

Robertson, K. R. 2000. The tallgrass prairie. Plant Talk: Plant Conservation Worldwide Issue 20: 21–25. Published by The Botanical Information Company Ltd., London.

Gardner, D. and K. R. Robertson. 2000. Effects of annual burning on populations of Cassia fasciculata (Fabaceae: Caesalpinoideae), with a review of its taxonomy and biology. Erigenia 18: 22–29

Robertson, K. R. 2001. Planning with plants in Illinois. In: J. B. Phipps and P. M. Catling, editors. Proceedings for a symposium”Biosystematics and Systematics”, Canadian Botanical Association.

Robertson, K. R. 2002. Haemodoraceae. Flora of North America 26: 47-49.

Allen, G. and K. R. Robertson, K. R. 2002. Erythronium (Liliaceae). Flora of North America 26: 153-164.

Judd, W. S., C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellogg, P. F. Stevens, D. L. Nickrent, and K. R. Robertson. 2002. Plant Systematics 2.0. CD-ROM to accompany textbook, Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, second edition. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. [1300 images taken by KRR and DLN.]

Gu, T. C. and K. R. Robertson. 2002. Rosa (Rosaceae) in: Z. Y. Wu and P. H. Raven, editors, Flora of China. Vol. 9 (Pittosporaceae-Connaraceae). Science Press and Missouri Botanical Garden.

Non-Refereed Publications

Robertson, K. R. 1966. The genus Erythronium in Kansas. M.A. Thesis. University of Kansas. iii + 40 pp.

Robertson, K. R. 1971. The genus Jacquemontia (Convolvulaceae) in North and Central America and the West Indies. Ph.D. Dissertation. Washington University. xi + 285 pp.

Robertson, K. R. and E. B. Himelick. 1978. The preservation and management of vegetation in ravines in Highland Park, Illinois. City of Highland Park. 28 pp.

Robertson, K. R. 1978. The use of vegetation in the control of erosion. in Guide to Bluff Stabilization. Lake Michigan, Illinois. Illinois Coastal Zone Management Program, Chicago. Multi-page folder.

Robertson, K. R. and E. B. Himelick. 1978. Macro systems compared. Functional Photography 13(3): 14–15, 32–35.

Robertson, K. R. 1987. The tallgrass prairie. Illinois Science Teachers Association Spectrum 13(1): 9–12.

Robertson, K. R. 1987. Are apples pears? Illinois Natural History Survey Reports 267: 1–2.

Robertson, K. R. 1990. The World Book Encyclopedia: Agrimony (Vol. 1: 163), Arum (1: 764), Cinquefoil (4: 557), Magnolia (13: 62–63), Sweetgum (18: 1036–1037), Tulip tree (19: 482–483), Tupelo (19: 492).

Robertson, K. R. 1991. Class notes for Plant Biology 260, Systematics of Flowering Plants, University of Illinois.

Robertson, K. R. and S. R. Downie. 1992–1997. Class notes for Plant Biology 260, Systematics of Flowering Plants, University of Illinois. [Updated each year]

Robertson, K. R. and L. R. Phillippe. 1992. The current status of Napaea dioica Linnaeus (glade mallow) in Illinois. Report to the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board.

Phillippe, L. R. and K. R. Robertson. 1992. The current status of Eleocharis wolfii (Gray) Patterson (Wolf´s spike rush) in Illinois. Report to the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board.

Robertson, K. R. and L. R. Phillippe. 1993. The current status of Agalinis skinneriana (Wood) Britton in Illinois. Report to the Illinois Department of Conservation.

Robertson, K. R., L. R. Phillippe, and S. M. Gehlhausen. 1993. The current status of Talinum rugospermum Holzinger in Illinois. Report to the Illinois Department of Conservation.

Robertson, K. R., L. R. Phillippe, and S. M. Gehlhausen. 1994. The current status of Scirpus hallii Gray (Hall´s bulrush) in Illinois. Report to the Illinois Department of Conservation.

Robertson, K. R., G. A. Levin, and L. R. Phillippe. 1995. The vascular plants and natural areas of Site M, Cass Co., Illinois. Report to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Robertson, K. R., L. R. Phillippe, G. A. Levin, and M. J. Moore. 1997. Delineation of natural communities, a checklist of vascular plants, and new locations for rare plants at the Savanna Army Depot, Carroll and Jo Daviess Counties, Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Center for Biodiversity Technical Report No. 1997(2).

Robertson, K. R. 1998. Book review of: The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook: For Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands. Stephen Packard and Cornelia F. Mutel (eds). 1997. Society for Ecological Restoration by Island Press, Washington, D.C. Economic Botany 52: 337.

Robertson, K. R., R. N. Wiedenmann, and D. J. Voegtlin. 1998. Invasive species introduction. Page 26 in T. Rice and C. Warwick, editors, Illinois Natural History Survey Annual Report, 1997 – 1998. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign.

Robertson, K. R. and L. M. Page. 1998. Endangered, threatened and rare species introduction. Page 47 in T. Rice and C. Warwick, editors, Illinois Natural History Survey Annual Report, 1997 – 1998. Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign.

Robertson, K. R. 1998. The tallgrass prairie in Illinois. Land and Water: The Magazine of Natural Resource Management and Restoration 42(4): 22–25.

Robertson, K. R. 1998. Introduction (part), Natural Vegetation Communities, and Appendices 1 and 2. in D. K. Niven, editor, Fox River Assessment Area. Volume 3. Living Resources. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical Trends Assessment Program, Springfield.

Robertson, K. R. 1998. Introduction (part), Natural Vegetation Communities, and Appendices 1 and 2. Pp. 1–59 + 127–183 in D. K. Niven, editor, Kishwaukee River Assessment Area. Volume 3. Living Resources. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical Trends Assessment Program, Springfield.

Robertson, K. R. 1998. Introduction (part), Natural Vegetation Communities, and Appendices 1 and 2. in D. K. Niven, editor, Lower Rock River Assessment Area. Volume 3. Living Resources. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical Trends Assessment Program, Springfield.

Robertson, K. R. 1998. Introduction (part), Natural Vegetation Communities, and Appendices 1 and 2. in D. K. Niven, editor, Illinois River Bluffs Assessment Area. Volume 3. Living Resources. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical Trends Assessment Program, Springfield.

Robertson, K. R. 1999. Introduction (part), Natural Vegetation Communities, and Appendices 1 and 2. in D. K. Niven, editor, Upper Sangamon River Assessment Area. Volume 3. Living Resources. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical Trends Assessment Program, Springfield.

Phillippe, L. R., K. R. Robertson, and S. R. Hill. 1999. Plant collections. Illinois Natural History Survey Reports 356: 5.

Phillippe, L. R., S. M. Gehlhausen, K. R. Robertson, and J. E. Ebinger. 1999. Assessment of the Reintroduction Potential of Federally Endangered and Threatened Plant Species to Managed Sites in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Center for Biodiversity Technical Report 1999–18. 84 pages.

Robertson, K. R. 2000. Book review of: W. S. Judd, C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellogg, and P. F. Stevens. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA. Economic Botany 54: 236.

Robertson, K. R. and J. L. Ellis 2001. Introduction (part), Natural Vegetation Communities, and Appendices 1 and 2. in C. Nixon, editor, Illinois River Bluffs Assessment Area (revised). Volume 3. Living Resources. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Critical Trends Assessment Program, Springfield.


Robertson, K. R. 1979. Fruits and seeds of the Rosaceae. Botanical Society of American Miscellaneous Series, Publication 157: 66.

Robertson, K. R. 1983. How to identify a member of the genus Amaranthus. American Journal of Botany 70(5, Part 2): 128.

Robertson, K. R. 1983. Using an Apple II computer for preparing herbarium labels, keeping loan records, printing forms, and compiling bibliographies. Herbarium News 3(12): 62.

Robertson, K. R., J. R. Rohrer, and J. B. Phipps. 1988. Variation and evolution of the leaves of Rosaceae subfamily Maloideae. American Journal of Botany 75(6, Part 2): 201.

Rohrer, J. R., K. R. Robertson, and J. B. Phipps. 1988. Variation and evolution of the pome fruits of Rosaceae subfamily Maloideae. American Journal of Botany 75(6, Part 2): 202.

Robertson, K. R., J. R. Rohrer, J. B. Phipps, and P. G. Smith. 1989. Generic concepts in subfamily Maloideae (Rosaceae). American Journal of Botany 76(6, Part 2): 211.

Phipps, J. B., K. R. Robertson, P. G. Smith, and J. R. Rohrer. 1989. Evolution in subfamily Maloideae (Rosaceae). American Journal of Botany 76(6, Part 2): 210.

Robertson, K. R., N. F. Weeden, and J. R. Rohrer. 1990. Current status of Chamaemeles (Rosaceae: Maloideae). American Journal of Botany 77(6, Part 2): 153–154.

Ioannides, I. M., K. R. Robertson, and C. A. Rebeiz. 1991. Evolutionary study of the greening group affiliation of green plants. American Journal of Botany 78(6, Part 2): 193.

Robertson, K. R. 1992. Corridors for Tomorrow. The use of highway corridors to restore biodiversity in Illinois. Thirteenth North American Prairie Conference, Windsor, Ontario. Page 17.

Robertson, K. R. 1992. Woody plants of Illinois forests. Forests of the Prairie State: Illinois Forest Conference, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston.

Morgan, D. R., D. E. Soltis, and K. R. Robertson. 1993. Systematic and evolutionary implications of rbcL sequence variation in Rosaceae. American Journal of Botany 79(6, Part 2): 167.

Robertson, K. R., N. F. Weeden, and J. R. Rohrer. 1993. Current status of Chamaemeles (Rosaceae: Maloideae). First Symposium on the Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands. October 4–9, 1993, Funchal, Madeira.

Robertson, K. R. 1997. Morphological variation in Rosaceae subfamily Maloideae. Rosaceae ’97, Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Morgan, D. R., K. R. Robertson, C. S. Campbell. 1999. Origin of the fruits of Maloideae s.l. XVI International Botanical Congress Abstracts, St. Louis.

Robertson, K. R. 2000. Planning with Plants in Illinois. Abstracts from the Joint Meeting of the Canadian Botanical Association and the Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists. London, Ontario, page 73.

Robertson, K. R. 2002. Haemodoraceae. Flora of North America 26: 47-49. Allen, G. and K. R. Robertson, K. R. 2002. Erythronium(Liliaceae). Flora of North America 26: 153-164. Gu Cuizhi and K. R. Robertson. 2003. Rosa (Rosaceae) in: Wu Zhengyi, P. H. Raven, and Hong Deyuan, editors, Flora of China. Vol. 9 (Pittosporaceae-Connaraceae): 339-381. Science Press, Beijing and Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.


Bruns, P., et al. 1972. Early botanical books. An exhibit celebrating the Centennial of the Arnold Arboretum 1872–1972. The Houghton Library of Harvard University, Cambridge, 52 pp.

Wood, C. E., Jr., E. A. Shaw, K. S. Velmure, and K. R. Robertson. 1974. A student´s atlas of flowering plants: some dicotyledons of eastern North America. Harper & Row, Publishers, New York. ivx + 120 pp.

Jeffords, M. R., S. L. Post, and K. R. Robertson. 1995. Illinois Wilds. Phoenix Press, Champaign, Illinois. 156 pp.

Seminars, Presentations, and Other Activities


  • The Tallgrass Prairie: Origins, Ecology, and People, Clark-Lindsey Village Retirees


  • Botany Unit, “Botany in a Day”, East-Central Illinois Master Gardener Program, Champaign
  • The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois, Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation, Annual Banquet
  • Plants Close-up: The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits, Environmental Education Association of Illinois, Annual Meeting and Conference, workshop
  • Mastering Plant Families. Advanced class for Master Gardener and Master Naturalist programs, University of Illinois Extension [6 full-day sessions]
  • Botany Unit, “Botany in Half-a-Day”, East-Central Illinois Master Naturalist Program, Anita Purvis Nature Center, Champaign
  • Field trip for Master Naturalists to Don Gardner Prairie, Loda Cemetery Prairie, and Prospect Cemetery
  • Field trip to Prospect Cemetery Prairie and to Meadowbrook Prairie, UIUC NRES Plant Propagation class, 22 persons
  • Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits. Peoria Park District, “Autumn in the Oak Woods” special event


  • Introduction to Endangered Plant Species; Rantoul Garden Club
  • Prairie Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits; Midwest Museum of Natural History, Sycamore, Illinois
  • Prairie Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits; Prairie Preservation Society of Ogle County, Lowden State Park
  • Introduction to Endangered Plant Species; Garden Club of Decatur
  • Botany Unit, “Botany in Half-a-Day”, East-Central Illinois Master Naturalist Program, Lake-of-the Woods, Mahomet


  • Short outdoor presentation on prairie on a walk as part of a symposium entitled Walking as Knowing as Making: a Peripatetic Investigation of Place, sponsored by UIUC College of Fine and Applied Arts
  • Prairie Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
  • Prairie Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits, Lake Elizabeth Nature Center and Botanical Garden, Palos Heights
  • Conserving Biodiversity — An Example from Illinois (Temperate North America) with Comparisons to Central Asia, Distinguished Lecture series sponsored by Rutgers University, Smarquand State University and Botany Institute of the Uzbek National Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; National Academy of Science, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  • The Role of Photographic Images in Biodocumentation, Training course in Biodocumentation and Biotechnology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Bishket, Kyrgyzstan
  • Floristic Inventories — Examples from Illinois and Kyrgyzstan, Training course in Biodocumentation and Biotechnology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Bishket, Kyrgyzstan


  • Prairie plants and their use in landscape settings. Southern Illinois Ground Maintenance School Conference, Collinsville
  • Diversity of Native Plants. Panel on Naturalists Perspective: Why Use Native Plants? as part of Conference on Using Native Plants in Landscaping, UIUC Cooperative Extension and EIU, Champaign
  • Prairie Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits. Eastern Illinois University Botany Club, Charleston
  • A closer look at the prairie. Part of PrairieShare program, Anita Purvis Nature Center, Urbana, organized by Urbana Park District and Robert Allerton Park
  • Early surveys by Henry Allan Gleason of the vegetation found in Illinois sand deposits, Lost Mound Sand Prairie Conference, Galena
  • The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois, Macomb Park District, Earth Day celebration
  • Prairie Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits, White Prairie Fringed Orchid Working Group, Chicago Botanic Garden
  • The Wealth of Diversity in Illinois Native Plants Suitable for Landscaping, Master Gardner’s Program, Kankakee
  • Prairie Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits, The Wild Ones, Rockford Chapter
  • The Tallgrass PrairieCommunity in Illinois. Illinois Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects and Prairie Crossing Conservation Community
  • Field trip to Revis Hill Prairie, Mason County, for NSF PEET meeting
  • The Tallgrass Prairie: Origins, Ecology, People, at PrairieFest, Geneva, Illinois


  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem in Illinois, Lake Forest Garden Club.
  • The Wealth of Diversity in Illinois Native Plants Suitable for Landscaping, Rock Springs Nature Center, Decatur.
  • Lead field trip to Loda and Prospect cemetery prairies for participants in a symposium, “Nature as Local Heritage: New Approaches to Biodiversity and Conservation Territories in Africa,” organized by Tom Bassett, UIUC Geography Department; persons from France and French-speaking countries in Africa, The Netherlands, UIUC, and UCLA. With Paul Marcum.
  • Coordinating plant and ecology parts of prairie exhibit to be installed in INHS Mobile Laboratory
  • The Prairie as a Place, invited presentation to dedicate the new Prairie Visitor Station at the Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois
  • The Tallgrass Prairie — Origins, Ecology, People presented to Life on the Prairie Workshop, Robert Allerton Park, teacher’s workshop organized by the University of Illinois
  • Prairie Plants Close-up: The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits, part of Blooming Prairie Flowers: A Day to Celebrate Summer Wildflowers, Forest Park Nature Center, Peoria
  • A Flower by Any Other Name — Prairie Plant Morphology for Identification / Photographing Prairie Plants for Interactive Keys, Biodiversity Workshop for teachers, “Advanced Species Descriptions and Keys”, University of Illinois [20 teachers and educators]
  • Field trip for UIUC Library and Information Sciences Ecology Group and others to Loda Cemetery Prairie and Prospect Cemetery Prairie
  • The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois, The Natural Garden, St. Charles
  • Prairie Plants Close-Up — The Hidden World of Flowers and Fruits. Sixth Central Illinois Prairie Conference, Parkland College, Champaign
  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem — Land Use Ecology (Landscape Architecture 350) class at UIUC, Urbana
  • The Wealth of Diversity in Illinois Native Plants Suitable for Landscaping, Decatur Garden Club
  • Prepared panels on several topics for the Tallgrass Prairie display for the INHS Mobile Laboratory.


  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem in Illinois (presented 3 times) plus Prairie Plants Close-up. Part of a Plant Talk and Volunteer Workday, Highland Park, Illinois, Park District.
  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem in Illinois. Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington.
  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem in Illinois. St. Xavier University, Chicago
  • Landscaping with Illinois Native Plants — a Wealth of Diversity. Illinois Master Gardener Program, Bourbonnais.
  • Put together section on Botany/Herbarium for display at UIUC Main Library entitled Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Collections; on display 11 June — (Assisted by Rick Phillippe)
  • Our Prairie Legacy. Teachers Workshop, Our Champaign County Environment. Middle Fork River Forest Preserve.
  • Prairie Plants. Teachers Workshop, Habitats, School Yard Habitats. Parkland College.
  • Inspirations from the Prairie: Ecology, Art, and Literature, Prairieview Nature Center, Crystal Lake.
  • Site visit to Neubert Elementary School, Algonquin, IL to discuss potential prairie garden
  • Inspirations from the Prairie: Ecology, Art, and Literature, Elderhostel Program UIUC.
  • Inspirations from the Prairie: Ecology, Landscaping, and Art, Morton Arboretum, Certificate Award Ceremony.
  • Fall prairie plants, photographic display and live demonstration of dissections, Anita Purvis Nature Center open house.
  • Field trip to Meadowbrook and Busey Woods, students from Olympia High School, with Derek Liebert.
  • The Orchid Family Up Close, Illini Orchid Club, UIUC
  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem and also Prairie Plants Close-up, Robert Allerton Park.
  • The Wealth of Diversity in Illinois Native Plants Suitable for Landscaping, Champaign/Urbana Master Gardeners, coordinated by the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension.
  • Site visit to prairie restoration at Olympia High School, McLean County.
  • Planning With Plants in Illinois, Natural Areas Study Group of Champaign-Urbana. The presentation discussed the history of the natural areas preservation movement in Illinois.


  • The tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Champaign County Audubon Society.
  • Pollination on the Prairie (with Brenda Molano-Flores). Grand Prairie Friends of Illinois, Urbana.
  • The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois. Natural Heritage Preservation Society, Eastern Illinois University.
  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem. Vermilion County Audubon Society.
  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem. Ballard Nature Center, Altamont, Illinois.
  • The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois. Two classes at Neuqua Valley High School, Naperville.
  • The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem. REI, Inc. store, Oakbrook, Illinois
  • Landscaping with Illinois Native Plants-a Wealth of Diversity. Illinois Master Gardener Conference, Collinsville.
  • Prairie Plants Close-up. Peoria Park District.
  • Introduction to the Prairie + Prairie Plants Close-up. Prairies in our Midst: a workshop designed for educators, community leaders, and homeowners. Montessori School of Lake Forest, Illinois.
  • Illinois Natives: Great Plants for Out-of-play Areas. Central Illinois Golf Course Superintentent’s Association Annual Education Seminar. Bloomington, Illinois.


  • Landscaping with Illinois Native Plants-a Wealth of Diversity. Southern Illinois Grounds Maintenance School, Collinsville, Illinois. University of Illinois Extension.
  • Endangered plant species of Illinois. Parkland College.
  • Native woody plants of Illinois. Illini Foresters Club annual banquet.
  • The tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Missouri Horticultural Society, St. Louis.
  • Plants and Planning in Illinois. Invited speaker to Main CBA Symposium, “Systematics and Bioconservation”, Canadian Botanical Society Annual Meeting, London Ontario.
  • Field trip to hill prairies at Pere Marquette State park for Missouri Horticultural Society and St. Louis chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society.
  • Landscaping with Illinois Native Plants-a Wealth of Diversity. Master Gardners’ Program, Onarga, Illinois.
  • Inspirations from the Prairie: Ecology, Landscaping, Art. Invited speaker to certificate awards ceremony, Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois.
  • Major Issues in Biodiversity. Lecture to Environmental Literature class, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois.
  • Inspirations from the Prairie: Ecology, Art, and Literature. Invited speaker for University-wide seminar, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois.
  • Native Plants Close-up. Ecowatch regional dinner program, Byron, Illinois


  • Floating Gardens: The Island of Madeira. Urbana Adult Education, Travel and Adventure Series.
  • Native Plants of Illinois-a Wealth of Diversity. Tri-County Gardening Day, University of Illinois Extension, Master Gardeners. Illinois Central College, Peoria.
  • Program in field on The tallgrass prairie ecosystem for a seminar series entitled “Nature and Human Society on Three Continents”, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities to the University of Illinois.
  • Morgan, D. R., K. R. Robertson, C. S. Campbell. 1999. Origin of the fruits of Maloideae s.l. XVI International Botanical Congress Abstracts, St. Louis, page 39.
  • Native Plants of Illinois-a Wealth of Diversity. University of Illinois Extension, Master Gardeners, Champaign.
  • The tallgrass prairie in Illinois. Interpreting Nature series, Moraine View State Park.
  • Prairie plants close-up: the beauty of their flowers and fruits and adaptations for pollination and dispersal. Fifth Central Illinois Prairie Conference, Parkland College, Champaign.
  • Prairie on the Edge – The Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem in Illinois. Colorado State University.
  • Generic Delimitation and the Origin of the Pome Fruit in Rosaceae subfamily Maloideae. Colorado State University.
  • Landscaping with Illinois Native Plants-a Wealth of Diversity. Illinois Native Plant Society, East-Central Chapter.


  • The tallgrass prairie in Illinois. Parkland College, Champaign
  • Exotic and Invasive species in Illinois, with John Marlin, Strategic Planning
  • The tallgrass prairie ecosystem, NRES class, Tony Endress
  • The tallgrass prairie ecosystem, NRES class, Mark David
  • Using native plants in gardens, St. Louis Chapter, Rock Garden Society of America, Missouri Botanical Garden
  • Native plants of Illinois. Shawnee National Forest, Harrisburg
  • Field demonstration on hill prairies at Site M, Cass County, Illinois. IDNR/SAMS meeting
  • The tallgrass prairie in Illinois. Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois
  • The tallgrass prairie in Illinois. Plant Biology 102, U of I
  • The tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Wabash Valley Audubon Society, Terre Haute, Indiana


  • Summary of research on Rosaceae subfamily Maloideae. Mini-symposium on Maloideae, Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • The tallgrass prairie, Red Bison club, U of I
  • Short class on prairie, Parkland College
  • The tallgrass prairie, The Wild Ones, Byron Chapter
  • Lead field trip to Gensburg-Markham Prairie, Grand Prairie Friends
  • Some botanical gardens of Europe, Botany Club, Eastern Illinois University
  • Morphological variation in Rosaceae subfamily Maloideae, Rosaceae ’97, Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Current status of Chamaemeles (Rosaceae: Maloideae) in Madeira, Rosaceae ’97, Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Featured in article “This is Our Land”, a special report by Cynthia Van Hazinga. Family Circle Easy Gardening magazine, Summer 1997
  • The Tallgrass prairie in Illinois, Izaak Walton League, Champaign


  • Eleventh Annual Nature of Illinois Workshop. Conservation 2000. Critical Trends in Illinois Prairies. Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary, Schaumburg, Illinois. [with Bob Lieberman]
  • The tallgrass prairie ecosystem and prairie restorations. Lecture to Restoration Ecology class, University of Illinois
  • The prairie ecosystem, with an emphasis on hill prairies. Peoria Academy of Sciences Annual Banquet
  • Tallgrass and hill prairie ecosystems of Illinois. Prairie Group of the Sierra Club, Champaign, Illinois
  • The tallgrass prairie in Illinois, both slide presentations and poster display. PrairieFest, Oswego
  • Leader of educational trip to Canada for International Agriculture Students Association, University of Illinois (June 15, 8 days)
  • The 1996 IASA Trip to Canada. Slide presentation with Jack Wozek, International Agriculture Students Association, University of Illinois
  • Prairies in the Prairie State. Rockford Chapter of the Sierra Club
  • Plant Photography. University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, Champaign, Gardening and Landscaping Workshops for Adults. [With Amanda S. Robertson]
  • Hill prairies and sand prairies of Illinois. Illinois Native Plant Society, East-Central Chapter, annual meeting address
  • Systematics-contributing to the knowledge and conservation of biological diversity. Fall 1996 Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area Biology Division Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory


  • Co-leader of educational trip to Brazil for International Agriculture Students Association, University of Illinois
  • Recent habitat loss on hill prairies in Illinois: 50 years of change. Seminar to Forestry Department, University of Illinois
  • The tallgrass prairie. Lecture to Plant Biology 102, University of Illinois.
  • The diversity and phylogeny of the Rosaceae. Seminar to Department of Plant Biology, Southern Illinois University
  • The tallgrass prairie. Lecture to Students for Environmental Concern, University of Illinois
  • Plant Photography. University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, Allerton Park. Gardening and Landscaping Workshops for Adults. [With Amanda S. Robertson]
  • The Natural Diversity of Illinois. “Science, Technology, & Society”, an Interagency Project sponsored by Illinois Board of Higher Education and held at the Taft Campus (Lowden State Park), Northern Illinois University
  • Plant families of the prairie. Prairie Plants Closeup: A Workshop on Identification and Ecology. ParkLands Foundation and John Wesley Powell Chapter of the Audubon Society, Lexington, Illinois. [With Scott Simon]
  • Illinois Hill Prairies. Annual Dinner and Meeting of ParkLands Foundation, Lexington, Illinois.
  • The tallgrass prairie. Lecture to Plant Biology 102, University of Illinois.
  • The tallgrass prairie. Lecture to Land Use Ecology class, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois
  • The tallgrass prairie. Presentation to the Champaign/Urbana Herb Society


  • The tallgrass prairie. Douglas-hart Nature Center, Mattoon, Illinois
  • Roses & Prairies. Department of Horticulture, University of Illinois
  • Plant Photography. University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, Allerton Park. Gardening and Landscaping Workshops for Adults. [With Amanda S. Robertson]
  • Recent habitat loss on hill prairies in Illinois. Fourth Central Illinois Prairie Conference, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois. [With Mark W. Schwartz].
  • Plant families of the prairie. Fourth Central Illinois Prairie Conference, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois. [With Scott Simon].
  • Recent habitat loss on hill prairies in Illinois. Eastern Illinois University Botany Club
  • The tallgrass prairie. Lecture to Plant Biology 102. University of Illinois
  • The tallgrass prairie. Lecture to Land Use Ecology class, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois

Grants and Contracts

1977. Fruits and seeds of the Rosaceae of the eastern United States. University of Illinois Research Board. $7,786.

1983 – 1984, Monograph of the neotropical fern genus Polybotrya. National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. Submitted on behalf of Robbin C. Moran. $8,433.

1984 – 1988, Generic limits and evolution in subfamily Maloideae (Rosaceae). National Science Foundation. $180,000. (With J. B. Phipps.)

1989 – 1990, Investigations of Chamaemeles coriacea, a potentially globally endangered plant. University of Illinois Campus Research Board. $3,000.

1990 – 1992, Corridors for Tomorrow. A proposal to use highway corridors to restore biodiversity in Illinois. The Environmental Protection Trust Fund Commission and the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. $44,500 for FY91; $30,000 for FY1992. (With A. Endress and L. Iverson.) 1992 – 1993, Status of three plant species in Illinois: glade mallow (Napaea dioica), pale false foxglove (Agalinis skinneriana), and Wolf«s Spike rush (Eleocharis wolfii). (With L. R. Phillippe.) Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board. $9,500.

1992 – 1993, Changes to Hill Prairies of Illinois in the last 50 years. Critical Trends program, Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources. (With Mark Schwartz.) $12,000.

1993 – 1994, Status of two plant species in Illinois: Talinum rugospermum and Scirpus hallii. (With L. R. Phillippe.) Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board. $8,000.

1994, Plant inventory of Site M. Illinois Department of Conservation. (With L. R. Phillippe and J. Levin) $5,000.

1994 – 1995, Digital flowers for students. University of Illinois Educational Technologies Board. (with Stephen R. Downie) $5,980.

1994 – 1995, Travel supplement for trip to Brazil with International Agriculture Students Association. MUCIA Travel Fund for International Program Development. $500.

1996 – 1997 Illinois hill prairie assessment and restoration strategies. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. (with Kathryn Kramer) $7,400. (submitted)

1996 – 1997 Delineation of Natural Communities of the Savanna Army Depot, Carroll and Jo Daviess Counties, Illinois. (with L. R. Phillippe, G. A. Levin and K. A. Kramer) $18,000.

1996 – 1997, Digital flowers for students-Part 2. University of Illinois Educational Technologies Board. (with Stephen R. Downie) $5,993.

1997 – 1999 Subgeneric Classification of the Genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae), with Special Reference to Taxa Occurring in North America and Eastern Europe. (with S. R. Mosyakin) U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union. $33,440. (submitted)

1996 – 1999, Inventory of the terrestrial arthropods and vascular plants of the montane, steppe, and semi-desert grasslands of the Kyrgyz Republic. National Science Foundation (submitted by C. H. Dietrich, K. R. Robertson a collaborator). $297,739.

2002– 2004, Illinois-North Carolina Collaborative Environment for Botanical Resource Development: A Knowledge-based Digital Library of Scientific Investigation Processes. Institute of Museum and Library Services. (Bryan Heidorn, PI; K. R. Robertson, M. R. Jeffords, B. Sandore, D. S. Seigler, Co-PIs. ) $250,000 2 years.