Surgery Cap Sale

Surgery club is selling surgery caps!  We will have all the different styles (but not all the patterns) out for you to try on this THURSDAY (9/5), and FRIDAY (9/6), as well as MONDAY (9/7).
Thursday and Monday are from 12-12:50 PM outside the Vet Med Cafe.
Friday is from 12-12:50 outside of LAC 100.
Check your email to fill out an order form.

Each cap is $13 and orders must be placed by Saturday, September 14 at 5pm.

Intro Meeting

Please join the Surgery Club in an intro meeting on Thursday, August 29 in LAC 100.

Pizza will be served to those who RSVP by Tuesday, August 27 at 5PM.

Check out the lectures tab for more information on joining surgery club and downloading the introduction powerpoint.