About Us

The University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Surgery Club provides an opportunity for veterinary students and current veterinarians to further develop surgical skill and knowledge.

In doing so, the club hosts several lectures and wet labs concentrated towards psychomotor skill, knowledge of applied anatomy, and current technologies and techniques used in surgery.

Club Mission and Means of Accomplishment

The University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Surgery Club provides an opportunity for veterinary students to further develop surgical skill and knowledge, while also providing an open forum for current veterinarians to continue their education. To do so, the club hosts several lectures and wet labs concentrated towards psychomotor skill, knowledge of applied anatomy, and the current technologies and techniques used in surgery.

Becoming a Member

Members join during the Fall semester of each school year. Each joining member must pay dues prior to announced deadlines.

Dues for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year are $12.00
(Checks made out to Surgery Club. Your Email address on the “Memo Line”)

Please place in the mailboxes of either Meg Barron (SAC) or Kristi Knott (BSB).

The membership fee will pay for lecturers and wet labs. Once membership is acquired, emails will be sent out regarding meetings, lectures, and wet labs. Wetlab attendance requires membership with the Surgery Club.

Wet Lab Information and Scheduling

Wet labs are held a minimum of once per semester, with a class specific wetlab for each year, along with a general wetlab for all members held during the spring. All due-paying members will be notified a few weeks prior to the wetlab announcing the date, time, and topic. Sign up sheets will be placed in the hallway of BSB, as well as in SAC. Along with signing up for the wetlabs, a $10.00 deposit check is required to hold your spot for the lab. Your check will be returned to you uncashed on attendance of the wetlab.