
Society of Physics Students

About Us

Fig 1. The Illustrious SPS Logo

Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a student organization whose members share a common interest (and/or common hatred) in physics. We have a wide range of members from many majors and colleges across the UIUC campus. Our mission is to expand our knowledge, meet other people who love physics, and give back to the community through science education and charity. 

Throughout the year our events include social events, academic/professional development workshops, Engineering Open House, a day trip to IKEA (and maybe a national lab if time permits), pizza meetings with professors (pizza included), charity book sales, a mini-hackathon, cultural trips, science journal club meetings, outreach volunteering, and more!

Join us every other Wednesday, 6 – 8 PM In Loomis 222!*

*SPS is not liable for any negative health effects that may arise from being inside Loomis for extended periods of time.1

Join Our Mailing List

Fig 2. Mailing List QR Code

**SPS is not liable for any side effects that may be caused by reading the SPS emails.2

1Side effects of being inside Loomis include but are not limited to: extreme mental distress, delusions of grandeur, loving physics, hating physics, acute radiation poisoning (Loomis 116), thoughts of going to grad school, etc.

2Side effects of reading the SPS emails include but are not limited to: extreme mental distress, laughing, hating the SPS secretary, loving the SPS secretary, etc.