Elizabeth Carlson

Elizabeth Carlson (PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is an Associate Professor of Communication at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.  She studies interorganizational collaboration in disaster preparedness.  She is also interested in interprofessional teams, simulation-based training, team decision-making, and mixed-method research designs.  Her work has been published in Communication Research, Communication YearbookManagement Communication Quarterlythe International Journal of Business Communication, and Corporate Communications: An International Journal 

At Central Michigan University, she teaches undergraduate- and Master’s-level courses in Organizational Communication, as well undergraduate courses such as Crisis CommunicationCommunication in Leadership, and Survey of Research Methods in Communication.  She particularly enjoys developing and conducting table-top crisis simulations for student teams in her Crisis Communication course.  She is currently serving as the Graduate Director for her department’s Master of Arts in Communication program.  

In addition to her academic career, Elizabeth has private and public sector work experience.  She has performed roles in market research and knowledge management in a Fortune 50 company, and she has worked in training and development for the financial division of a large, public university.     

Elizabeth first attended OCMC in 2004.