
Recent Articles (click to view!)

Published Articles

*Designates undergraduate mentee. +Designates shared authorship

1. Straka, B.C, Albuja, A., Leer, J., *Brauher, K., Gaither, S. (in press). Children’s Class Social Essentialism and Group Bias. Developmental Psychology.

2. Straka, B., & Gaither, S. (2023). Considering Multiracial Youth: Identity Challenges and Health Outcomes. In M. Trent, D. Dooley, & J. Douge (Eds.), Untangling the Thread of Racism: A Primer for Pediatric Health Professionals (1st ed.). American Academy of Pediatrics.

3. Tsai, A., and Straka, B.C., Kimura, D. (2022). Mixed-heritage Individuals and Systemic Risk During Negotiation of Identity. Journal of Language, Identity, & Education.

4. Straka, B.C., Stanaland, A., Tomasello, M., & Gaither, S.E. (2021). Who can be in a group? 3- to 5-year-old children construe realistic social groups through mutual intentionality. Cognitive Development, 60, 101097.

5. Herrmann, S.D., Varnum, M.E.W., Straka, B.C., & Gaither, S.E. (2021). Social Class Identity Integration and Success for First-Generation College Students: Antecedents, Mechanisms, and Generalizability. Self and Identity, 0 (0), 1–35.

6. +Straka, B.C., +Albuja, A.F., *Desjardins, M., Gaither, S.E., & Swartzwelder, H.S. (2021). Alcohol Use and Related Consequences for Monoracial and Multiracial Native American/American Indian College Students. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, Special Issue: Minority Health, Health Disparities, and Social Determinants of Health with Psychopharmacology and Substance Use.

7. Tsai, A., Straka, B.C., Gaither, S.E. (2021). Mixed-heritage Individuals’ Encounters with Raciolinguistic Ideologies. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.

8. Straka, J.W., & Straka, B.C. (2020). Reframe Policymaking Dysfunction Through Bipartisan-Inclusion Leadership. Policy Sciences.

9. Straka, B.C., Gaither, S.E., Acheson, S.K., & Swartzwelder, H.S. (2019). “Mixed” Drinking Motivations: A Comparison of Majority, Multiracial, and Minority College Students. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(5), 676–687.

10. Albuja, A.F., Gaither, S.E., Sanchez, D.T., Straka, B.C, & Cipollina, R. (2019). Psychophysiological Stress Responses to Bicultural and Biracial Identity Denial. Journal of Social Issues, 75(4), 1165–1191.

Under Review

1. Selvanathan, H., Straka, B. C., Biernat, M., Boykin, M., Howard, S., Johnson, C., Ratliff, K., Remedios, J., Starck, J., Maddox, K., Mendoza-Denton, R., (R&R). Racism in Social and Personality Psychology: Looking Back and Looking Forward. Personality and Social Psychology Review.

2. Forscher, P., Taylor, V., Cavagnaro, D., Lewis, N., Buchanan, E., Moshontz, H., Mark, A., Appleby, S., Batres, C., Bennett-Day, B., Chopik, W., Damian, R., Ellis, C., Faas, C., Gaither, S., Green, D., Hall, B., Hinojosa, B., Howell, J., Johnson, D., Kung, F.,  Laird, A., Levitan , C., Li, M., Maddox, K., Murphy, M., Musser, E., Pankey, B., Parker, R., Perry, S., Remedios, J., Schmidt, K., Serrano, S., Steltenpohl , C., Storage, D., Straka, B. C., Urry, H., Wasmuth, S., Westgate, E., Wilson, J., Wynn, S., Zimmerman, D., Peters, K., Chartier, C. (R&R, registered report). Stereotype Threat in Black College Students Across Many Operationalizations. Nature Human Behavior. 10.31234/

3. Straka B.C, Jordan, A., Pauker K., Olson, K., Halim, M., & Dunham, Y., Gaither, S.E., (under review). Children’s Recognition of Minimal Groups.

4. Graves, A., Danoff, J., Kim, M., Brindley, S., Skyberg, A., Giamberardino, S., Lynch, M., Straka, B.C., Lillard, T., Gregory, S., Connelly, J., Morris, J., (under review). Accelerated Epigenetic Aging Associates with Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity and Impaired Cognitive performance in Older Adults. Science Advances.