Crooks and Liars Expose Truth of Trumpcare

In a multimedia posting, the liberal blog Crooks and Lairs talks about the reality of what it really means for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to be replaced by Trumpcare. The agenda is pretty clear; it is going to cause low income housing helped by the ACA to afford insurance be bumped out of the running for health care as premiums skyrocket. Whats even worse is when those who can no longer afford it drop their health care provider, premiums again will rise due to the price be scaled by the number of people on the health program. This is effectively giving low income houses no feasible way to get covered.

Funny enough, the low income communities who voted in President Trump are the same communities who are the most impacted by this loss, all the while the big business owners Trump promised to crack down on will feel almost none of the impact of this bill. House Speaker Paul Ryan made it very clear that the administration and the party do not want to come out with exact figures on how this is going to effect those helped by the ACA. Ryan sees this as an act of freedom, unsurprisingly, because now those who don’t want cheap and available insurance won’t be penalized for not having it, rather those who try to leave their insurance under Trumpcare would be penalized. We all know how much we hate having an affordable healthcare system for everyone!