The End of Tour, What Could’ve Been

Unfortunately, I was not able to attend Ebertfest this year because it kind of fell awkwardly into my schedule. When the idea was first suggested in class I was pretty excited about the assignment. I’ve heard about Ebertfest a bunch throughout my time at UIUC, and was glad I was finally given an excuse to go check it out.


Before I knew that I was going to be unable to attend, I had picked out which film I would’ve gone to seen. It would’ve been The End of Tour, which was based on the meeting between David Foster Wallace – played by Jason Segel – and David Lipski. I had chosen this film primarily because I was familiar with both David Foster Wallace and Jason Segel.


Hopefully, I’ll get to see this film in the near future because I was really looking forward to it. Also, I’ve read some of the other posts on this page and everyone who was lucky enough to see it seemed to really like it.