Movie Extra Credit- All the President’s Men

All the President’s Men was a cool movie for me to see because Watergate is something I have of course always heard about it but never knew a lot about. A Watergate office complex security guard was working the night shift and found a door that was unlocked. The intruders were five men who were caught and arrested. The Washington Post sent a journalist to the courtroom to get on the story. It is discovered that the five men all have CIA ties. Once the two Washing Post reporters put a story together, they were told it wasn’t good enough yet and to keep going. Then, there is a creepy scene of one of the reporters meeting with a government official. It was hard for me to understand what the man meant with his words at that time but he said “Watergate was to protect the covert operation” and then the conversation ended with him saying “Your lives are in danger”. After this, the reporter goes to his partner and types on a typewriter “Deep Throat says our lives are in danger. Surveillance Bugging.” With the journalists conducting more research they discover the Watergate burglars were involved in breaking the law by contributing illegal money to Nixon’s CPR, Committee to Reelect The President. Once again, the reporter’s editor pushes them to go deeper with their work. The movie ends with the reporters typing out their full story as Nixon is being sworn into his second term. Once the story is out, Nixon and his administration’s abuse of power was revealed to the world. As the movie shows, Nixon resigns and the new president is inaugurated. Similar to Spotlight, I think All the President’s Men goes to show how important sources are to creating an important story.