Trip Advisor or Tip Advisor?

Many of us use social media everyday, some even use it every hour. Whether we are checking up on friends or posting pictures from a great vacation, it’s pretty much just innocent entertainment. However, in this case, Enrique Acevedo had an agenda behind his scrolling. The whereabouts of a four-foot tall portrait of Donal Trump bought for $10,000, which he paid for illegally with a check from his charity, has been unknown since 2014 when it was auctioned off. In a Washington Post article by David A. Fahrenthold, he goes into specifics as to how Enrique Acevedo came face to face with the talked about painting. Enrique used TripAdvisor, a review website for travel-related information, to lead him. A picture was posted to TripAdvisor on a review about one of Trump’s golf clubs, Doral, with the portrait hanging on a wall in the background. This was a dead give away to Enrique who made his way to the Florida resort using travel points he had earned. When Enrique entered the bar, the portrait was hanging exactly where the picture had shown it. No plaque or sign in sight. Enrique tweeted a picture of the portrait with the expectation of something from the Trump adminstration. However, what he got was silence. The Trump administration is yet to make a statement on it. As we learned here, social media can be used for much more than staying in touch with old friends.