Shining The Light on Spotlight

The amazing movie, “Spotlight” took me by storm and I will give it a 5/5 rating. The movie is about journalists at the Boston Globe who revealed the massive scandal of child molestation in the Catholic Church. The movie is intriguing and it really captured my attention.

The leads are played various familiar actors such as Mark Ruffalo, Rachel Mcadams, Michael Keaton, John Slattery etc. They all did a great job in portraying the curious minds of journalists.

My favorite scene is when Mike Rezendes, played by Mark Ruffalo sits down with the lawyer, Mitchell Garabedian, played by Stanley Tucci at a restaurant. Mitchell is eating soup while Mike is trying to get more information about the molestation case. Mike is eager to get the information while Mitchell calmly eats his soup. This is my favorite scene because Mitchell is saying my favorite quote of the movie. The scene ends with Mitchell saying, “if it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse one.” This quote is so spot on and I really agree with it. This is the turning point where I was judging everyone who had something to do with this and didn’t say anything.

Overall, the movie was definitely worth watching and I have already recommended it to a friend.

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