Trump Avoids Libel Laws Using Twitter

Quartz Media talks about an aspect of media law in the article “A Strategic Guide to Navigating the Law Like Donald Trump.” The textbook describes how libel can be a big problem in the media world. Quartz writes about many of Donald Trump’s tweets which can be considered libel. The topic of these tweets includes wiretapping and surveillance.  The article continues describing how Trump maneuvers the law, in terms of the media.

I thought the idea behind the post was very interesting. It is basically stating that Trump in harming his own credibility with his excessive tweets, making almost all information stated invalid. Ephrat Livni, the article’s author, phrased it really well when he said, “Trump’s tweets—both substantively and in terms of volume—make it difficult to take him seriously, which works in his favor,” (Livni 2017). In a way, it’s ingenious that Trump can now same almost anything with no consequences because of what he has done to his own credibility.



  • Quartz Media
  • Craft, Stephanie, and Charles N. Davis. Principles of American Journalism: An Introduction. New York ; London: Routledge, Taylor Et Francis Group, 2016. Print.