Opinion Column 2

The CBS Evening News on Thursday, February 8, 2017, discussed news that was mostly related to politics, specifically, President Trump. There were also smaller stories that were discussed more briefly.

The values that defined “news” during the program where mostly conflict related which included topics that are controversial or out of the ordinary. With a wide range of stories, from politics to health, the focus was mostly on the conflict that each story supplied. There we other stories that discussed impact, one related to a recent tornado that went through New Orleans.

An example of a news value that was discussed in class and used in the program is conflict. Nancy Cordes was just one of the reporters in the program to explain and elaborate on the conflict happening in the senate between Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Elizabeth Warren, among other democrats. This was just one example of the how the values discussed in class were used in the news but oddity, and human interest were other values that were emphasized in the news program.