The Tradition of Hazing Students Is Taken Too Lightly

Isabella Winkler, a sophomore at the University of Illinois, advocates for fraternity hazing to be taken more serious as one student every year since 1970 has died from hazing. I believe Winkler makes a good point in her opinion piece by bringing up this issue that is seen as ‘tradition’ within fraternities and by expressing how she as a student doesn’t approve of this and how you shouldn’t either.

I think it’s important to not just turn the other cheek at an issue like this that is reoccurring and potentially dangerous. As college kids, we have the most say to stop this issue that has been seen across almost every college campus since 1970. Winkler makes a good point in her article and gives awareness of a topic that is not talked about as much as it should be.

Campus community can’t keep ignoring hazing