A Lost Star

Stephen Glass, was portrayed as a perfect man who had a perfect life at the front part of the movie “Shattered Glass”. He was friendly, polite, passionate and most importantly, he was talented. Everyone talked about him, and everyone wanted to be like him. However, this rising star at “The New Republic” magazine, turned out to be a lost star as the story began.

Had fabricated over 20 of his 41 stories, making up the events, locations, dates and figures, Stephen Glass created one of the biggest scandal in journalism.

Stephen Glass was unfortunate, not because his scandal was revealed to the public. He was unfortunate because he pursued a wrong career at the beginning. Imagination is a valuable talent, but a journalist shouldn’t have too much.

This movie demonstrated the environment of the journalism. How can journalists stand out from the competition? The audience needed breaking news. However, breaking news didn’t happen everyday.