
These are two very important pictures to me. I took them at a protest outside of my high school on March 14th 2018 when students walked out of class to resist gun violence. This protest happened exactly 30 days after the Parkland High School shooting. I was very proud to be a part of this protest as gun control had been something I was passionate about since 2016 when I did a research paper on the Columbine School shooting. I think these pictures relate to my paper on gun laws as it shows that even young people who are in high school recognize that a change is needed and society should listen.

I was unable to find the original source for this picture, however it is one that I have seen countless times on social media and I think also one that further proves a point that I made in my research paper on inclusion in the Me Too movement. My paper mostly focused on race and how women of color have been excluded from the movement, however I think it is also important to mention that many men are victims of sexual assault, and therefore should be included in the changes being made.

Women’s March 2018 Best Moments: Thousands Of Women March Around The World | TIMEĀ 

The video above was released by TIME magazine, highlighting moments from the 2018 Women’s March which I thought showed clearly a lot of the points I attempted to make in my paper. The video showed men and women of all races participating in the march which is incredibly important. The point of my paper was that in order for the feminism and the Me Too movement to have the desired impact, everyone must be involved, and the video did a good job of illustrating that fact.