
The iSchool’s Academic Support Center now offers dedicated office hours for select courses and peer advising exclusively for undergraduate students. Our services provide support and assistance to iSchool undergraduate and graduate students, as well as anyone enrolled in iSchool courses. Our office hours are designed to create an open and accessible platform for all your questions and concerns. Additionally, our knowledgeable peer advisors are available to offer guidance and valuable insights on your academic journey. Join us during scheduled times to get answers and make the most of your educational experience. Additionally, our knowledgeable peer advisors are available to offer guidance and valuable insights on your academic journey. Join us during scheduled times to get answers and make the most of your educational experience. We’re here to help you succeed.

Office Hours by Subject:

Current Hours of Operation:


Monday – Friday

Closed over break

In-person location: Academic Support Center, Room 4060 (614 E. Daniel St. Building, 4th Floor)
Opens the Third week of classes | Closed campus holidays/breaks | Hours adjusted during finals

We’re excited to share that we’ve transitioned from offering tutoring to hosting dedicated Office Hours for select courses this semester. Our Office Hours are designed to create an open and accessible platform for all your questions and concerns. You’re welcome to join us at our designated hours for support, guidance, and valuable insights to enrich your academic experience. We’re here to help you succeed. If you have any questions regarding this transition, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact: ischool-tutoring@illinois.edu

Schedule of Office Hours by Subject:

IS 101
IS 2021:00PM-2:00PM3:30-4:30PM
IS 2033:30pm-5:00pm
INFO/WRIT 3032:00pm-3:00pm
*Fridays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. are designated as open study hours

Peer Advising:

At the iSchool, we are dedicated to providing exceptional support and guidance to our undergraduate students. Our peer advising program is designed to connect our undergraduates with experienced peers who can offer valuable insights, assistance, and mentorship. Our peer advisors are here to help you navigate your academic journey, providing information on course selection, career paths, and a range of other resources to ensure your success. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our peer advisors for personalized support as you pursue your educational goals.

In-person location: Academic Support Center, Room 4060 (614 E. Daniel St. Building, 4th Floor)

Join our online queue system for peer advising to ensure you receive timely support and guidance from our dedicated peer advisors; https://go.ischool.illinois.edu/AcademicCenterQueue

Contact: ischool-peeradvising@illinois.edu

*For Express Advising*:

Express advising focuses on quick problem-solving and registration planning. No appointment is necessary, and current students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Stop by during any of our Express Advising times!

Appointments are available in person, online, or both. Depending on the number of students waiting, the available time ranges from 5 to 10 minutes. If you need to arrange a longer meeting, please contact an advisor to schedule an appointment during regular advising hours.

If you’re interested in express advising, please follow this link to schedule your quick and convenient session: https://go.ischool.illinois.edu/ExpressAdvisingCalendar

Schedule of Peer Advising:


