Eric studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark during the Spring of 2017.
IF NOTHING ELSE, DON’T FORGET TO PACK: Your phone and credit card! Everything else can be bought again if necessary.
ON SECOND THOUGHT, YOU CAN LEAVE AT HOME: Shampoo and other toiletries as they are easily bought at the local stores.
WHERE TO LIVE: Definitely the on campus housing called “Campus Village”. You live with all international students inside of renovated shipping containers!
BEST PLACES TO EAT: On the opposite side of the train tracks in town is a restaurant called Gordion. It’s very good in the local town.
FAVORITE CULTURAL ACTIVITY: Attending the local soccer matches. Cheap and a great experience.
BEST PERSONAL HIDEOUT: Not much of a personal hideout per se, but the s-huset (student house) has pool tables, ping pong, and a bar to hang out at!
FAVORITE PLACE TO STUDY: Any building on campus or in the main library. Easily accessible with tables and space.
MUST-TRY LOCAL DISH: Frikadeller or smørrebrød – essentially meatballs and open+faced sandwiches.
BEST PHOTO OP: Nyhvan in downtown – the colorful houses on the famous canal.
BIGGEST FAIL: Planning trips before I even got there. You meet plenty of new friends and should definitely go on trips with them, planning only needs to be like a week or two before a trip realistically.
BEST PURCHASE: A light jacket, it never gets too cold but stays chilly outside for a while.
MOST INTERESTING CLASS: GIS, Geographical Information Systems, or really just stuff like Google Maps. Was easy, interesting, and fulfilled science credit.
BEST PART OF THE PROGRAM: The introduction week is a great experience. You meet many of your friends and visit the city for the first time together.
MOST MEMORABLE TRIP: Renting cars is not expensive and is a great way to see multiple cities on the same trip. I went to Belgium and Netherlands with a car and had the time of my life.
BEST LOCAL EVENT/HOLIDAY: Christmas season is nice as well as beach season 🙂
FAVORITE LOCAL WORD/SLANG: “Hygge” and all other Danish words. Learn to say them correctly and you will be the envy of your friends 😛
IF I COULD DO IT OVER AGAIN… Again, stating that I regret planning trips before I got to campus, because I missed out on a trip to Iceland with my friends.