Welcome to the Illini Wheelchair and Scooter Clinic!

Located at 906 S. Goodwin Ave. Urbana, IL 61801

Welcome and thank you for choosing the Illini Wheelchair and Scooter clinic! We hope that we will be able to provide the best possible services for you. Please see below the details of how your initial evaluation will likely proceed. It is very important for us to ensure that you have autonomy in this process of selecting your equipment. We use the Human Activity Assistive Technology Model (HAAT) to ensure that we meet your needs from different perspectives.

For example, we not only want to understand what assistive technology you need to support your mobility but also want to understand what environment and activities that you will need the technology for.

Prior to your appointment, please fill out all the forms sent to you so that we can provide you with the best services we possibly can! It is important for you to think about the changes you’d like to make to your chair so that during the appointment it can be efficient and effective. Once you make the appointment, you will receive an email from clinicnote, as well as one from Dr. Rice, which will include an attachment with forms you will need to fill out.

During Appointment
At the start of your appointment, Dr. Rice will ask you a series of questions to write your letter of medical necessity. Next, you will be asked to talk about your medical history, your current issues, likes and dislikes of your current chair, and previous experiences when getting a wheelchair prescription. She will also conduct a strength assessment and the vendor will take measurements of your current chair. After, we will discuss features of your chair, which will include back support, manual/joystick, foot plates, cushion, etc. This will help us further understand how to best serve your needs.

After Appointment
If you want to file a claim with your insurance for reimbursement and the process can be found here. Finally, it will take roughly 3 months to receive your chair. Procedures may vary based on your individual needs.

After getting your new device:

With any new chair, there will be an adjustment period. This is usually 2 weeks. Do not try to use your new device all day, take breaks every 15-20 minutes. If issues with the chair persists past 2 weeks, reach out to us again!