Gymnastics: A Metaphor For My Writing Lifestyle

When my sister was 6, I encouraged her to become a gymnast.  Because, she was quite flexible at the time I knew she would be a perfect gymnast. Boy was I right! She is currently 10 years old, and placed first in state on floor in her age group. Unfortunately, I was not as gifted as she was but, I still have passion for gymnastics. I helped her learn many of her tricks by spotting and critiquing her. My sister is a show off! (click to watch the video)

Australian artistic gymnast, Lauren Mitchell, performing a layout step-out on the balance beam during the 41st World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in London, United Kingdom, in 2009.

Gymnastics is a tough sport. It requires plenty of practice, balance, technique, flexibility, power, and strength. With instructions from the coach you will fix your mistakes. Practicing it over, and over, and over, and over until you master the trick.

For me writing is pretty rough. It is hard for me to get everything from my brain onto paper. Just like with gymnastics it require lots of practice, in writing I will change my wording many times until it’s correct. Being a good writer requires one to be powerful and have strength in their voice. Also, I seek help from my professor or the writers workshop in the UGL, to improve my writing skills. 

It can be painful, mentally. Just like getting a writers block; gymnast can block a trick out of their mind if they do it incorrectly. They are scared they will harm themselves.

Sometimes, while writing an essay I just can’t seem to think of any more possible ideas. Writers block is my worst nightmare!

When practicing on bars, an event in gymnastics, your hands will get rips. Rips are layers of your skin that tear when you are swinging on the bar. Rips are very painful; however, my sister is proud of herself when she gets rips. She thinks she worked very hard at a practice if she gets a rip; it is an accomplishment.

In writing there are many layers to the format. In my writing I use the method meat con. I need a Main idea, evidence, analysis, a transition, and a conclusion. 

Gymnasts are scored out of 10 on each event. It is impossible to score a 10 on an event because nobody is perfect.

In writing it is impossible to be perfect. There are plenty of strong writers out there; however, no one is perfect in writing. There are areas where I struggle with grammar, which is why I am not a perfect writer.

Citations for Photos

Digital image. Talk Beer. N.p., 13 Oct. 2015. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.


Lauren Mitchell performing a layout step-out on the balance beam.  

Digital image. Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.    <>.

Lindsay Chia displays the wear and tear on her hands. Digital image. 

Windsor Star. N.p., 3 Apr. 2014. Web. 2 Nov. 2015. <>.